Back in December, the VA advised me that paper invoices for VA medication co-pay balances would resume distribution in January 2021. Sadly, that has not happened. When none was received in January, I had to continue my phone calls to the VA to determine the medication co-pay balances due and arrange for payments.
While the response to questions of “why?” are respectfully addressed, the answers from the VA regarding the continued lack of paper invoices varies each month.
Here’s what I have found to be the only solution until this issue is resolved: To acquire co-pay balances due, veterans receiving medications from the VA will have to call 1-888-827-4817. A VA recording will advise that this number is to be used to make payments only. Veterans should stay on the line anyway. They will be connected with a “live” person.
It has been my experience that these folks are aware of the issue and want to help. They can pass on balances due and arrange for an immediate payment or guide veterans regarding possible alternative payment plans or aid.
It is unfortunate that this appears to be the only current solution to an ongoing issue for we veterans who depend on the VA for our medications.