It has been over a year now that the children have not been able to be full time back at the brick-and-mortar schools. Home schooling and remote learning have taken their place.
I hope by now the appreciation for the teachers and staff at our schools is at an all-time high. Let me try and list some things that get taught that might until now go unnoticed: Spelling, reading comprehension, classroom conduct, hallway conduct, library rules, lunchroom etiquette, playground conduct, peer interaction (both good and bad), working through conflicts, art, science, history, geography, algebra, physics, AI, robotics, mechanics, music, choir, drama class, sports, groups or clubs, bus conduct, and homework. I know that I have missed many things.
Now that you parents have had your go at being the teacher, how did you do? The reported facts are that many students did not get the education that they would have gotten if not for the pandemic. So, going forward as things attempt to get back to in-classroom schooling, think about everything that your child gets from the teachers and staff at their school and support our teachers and schools in every way possible. Thank the Lord for our teachers and staff at our schools.