I first registered as a Democrat at the age of 21. At that time, it was my perception that the Republicans looked out for corporations and the rich, while Democrats served the needs of the American people.
Now the Republicans scream bloody murder over the idea of corporations and the wealthiest of our citizens being asked to pay their fair share of taxes. At the same time, Democrats are fighting to pass a bill that provides universal prekindergarten to 3- and 4-year-olds, creates 1 million affordable housing units, extends tax credits for parents, reduces health care premiums for those covered by the Affordable Care Act, provides insurance for an additional 4 million people through Medicaid, increases in-home care for seniors and the disabled, improves wages for home health care workers, expands worker training and increases annual Pell grants. Mitch McConnell says all Republicans will vote against this bill.
It would appear that my original observation 56 years ago holds true today.