Re: Mr. Nelson’s letter “Trumps accomplishments” (Our Readers’ Views, Nov. 27): For all of these listed accomplishments, let’s add a few more.
Over 1 million people dead from COVID.
The Family Separation Policy (many of the families are still separated).
Engineering the defeat of Roe v. Wade (how is that working out for Republicans?).
A still-unfinished wall, but lots of rich cronies.
Failure to address climate change.
Mass shootings on the rise (for years).
So Mr. Nelson, you can create your list while living in a bubble. And I will create mine. It all depends on the perspective. To sum up I will acknowledge your list with a caveat, that government is big and slow and cumbersome and oftentimes requires decades to accomplish most if not all of these items on your list.
My list, on the other hand, is just off the top of my head and only took Trump four years.