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The following is presented as part of The Columbian’s Opinion content, which offers a point of view in order to provoke thought and debate of civic issues. Opinions represent the viewpoint of the author. Unsigned editorials represent the consensus opinion of The Columbian’s editorial board, which operates independently of the news department.
News / Opinion / Columns

Local View: Thank you candidates, voters

By Nancy Halvorson
Published: December 11, 2022, 6:01am


The election seasons do seem to run continuously, but we are enjoying a lull and pause after the 2022 elections.

Here are some takeaways from the 2022 elections:

We appreciate all those candidates who put themselves on the line and ran for office. They fired up all of us who voted for them, exposed us to new ways to look at issues and offered possible solutions.

Sometimes your candidates win and sometimes they lose. That is democracy in action. We vote and accept the results.

To all those who put their lives on hold to campaign, your dedication and passion inspire us.

Election workers and volunteer election observers, from both major parties and the League of Women Voters, worked tirelessly for long hours to ensure the safety and integrity of our elections here in Washington.

The League and other organizations invested tremendous energy and resources in forums and debates so our citizens could hear directly from the candidates and see them respond in real time.

Our Southwest Washington print media and our local CVTV provide invaluable service to all by reporting on our candidates; constantly promoting our elections; explaining our election laws and safeguards; and covering the post-election results.

These are not easy assignments, and we applaud the extensive and balanced coverage of this latest difficult election season.

Finally, we salute all of those who voted.

Here in Clark County, we have 393,782 eligible voters, 327,112 registered voters (an increase of 4,277 since May 2022), and 207,456 citizens who actually voted — a turnout of 63.42 percent. These are numbers to be excited about.

However, let’s work to get beyond excited and let’s get to a place of pride.

Consider this: There are 119,656 registered voters in Clark County who did not vote on Nov. 8.

Yes, more than one-third of the registered voters in our county didn’t mark a ballot.

These individuals opted to sit it out and let others decide for them who will make laws that affect their lives in small to large ways, from how their tax dollars are spent, to how the county might develop, to what our individual and collective futures may bring.

In essence, they gave up an opportunity to make a difference and assert some of their own authority.

Let’s figure out the reasons, find solutions and then … get them to vote.

The goal of the League of Women Voters is to ensure every eligible voter has the de-sire, knowledge and opportunity to express their choices by voting … in every election. We then will have the society that represents us all.
