When a reader wrote to me, looking for a list of sunny movies to give to a friend facing tough times, it occurred to me: We all need that list.
But what qualifies as a joyful movie? A really good one? That’s a great place to start, but there are plenty of movies I love that I would not recommend to someone going through a divorce or recovering from back surgery. Obviously, we all find joy in different ways, but a joyful movie not only needs a happy ending, it also has to make you feel good about humanity, has to make kindness a priority.
The easiest way to come up with your own list is to think in terms of groupings.
If musicals are your jam, you can’t miss with “Singin’ in the Rain.” If animation does it for you, head toward a Pixar love bomb such as “Toy Story 3” or the gentle silliness of “Wallace and Gromit: The Curse of the Wererabbit.”