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5 bizarre theories about Denver International Airport

By Spencer McKee, The Gazette
Published: January 24, 2022, 6:05am

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Denver International Airport has long been a favorite topic of discussion among conspiracy theorists, thanks to a number of oddities related to the facility that have been pointed out over the years. Some theories about Denver International Airport have even gotten so much attention that they’ve been directly addressed (and debunked) on airport’s official website.

Here are a few of the most popular, most intriguing, and most outlandish theories that have made headlines over the years:

1. A secret society built the airport

The first theory to be ‘debunked’ by Denver International Airport on their conspiracy-related webpage is whether or not the New World Order played a role in the development of DIA — a topic that has been debated for years.

Whether it’s the ‘New World Order’ or another group, such as the Free Masons, the Illuminati, or the Nazis, a number of theories linking the airport to some sort of larger, potentially nefarious organization have surfaced.

Conspiracy theorists point to masonic symbols embedded in aspects of construction, a ‘swastika-shape’ runway design, and the non-existent “New World Airport Commission” that is mentioned on a time capsule marker at the airport as support for this theory.

Officially, the airport, first opened in 1995, is owned and operated by the City of Denver. According to the airport, no secret society was involved in the construction or is involved in daily operations.

2. An extensive tunnel network exists beneath Denver International Airport

It’s widely known that Denver International Airport uses a tunnel system to transport passengers from concourse to concourse, but it’s lesser-known that a vast network of empty tunnels also exists beneath the airport. This greater tunnel system was part of a failed plan to use an automated baggage system at the facility, with the network’s existence now a source of many rumors and conspiracies.

Conspiracy theorists have come up with a number of reasons for why these tunnels and other unknown tunnels may exist.

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The most prominent theory about hidden tunnels at DIA is that these tunnels lead to some sort of underground network — including that tunnels may lead to concentration camp-style facilities, an underground city, or that they have something to do with national security — possibly leading as far away as the NORAD facility in Colorado Springs.

Airport officials have dismissed these claims as outlandish over the years, saying that the extensive tunnel network doesn’t transport people off site and that it’s nothing more than mostly empty space from a forgotten project. There is quite a bit of activity that takes place beneath Denver International Airport every day, but this is said to be related to normal operations, such as fuel and staff transport.

3. There’s a hidden message behind the strange art

If there’s one peculiar aspect of Denver International Airport that visitors are most likely to spot, it’s probably the collection of seemingly odd art found around the site.

The DIA art experience starts when travelers are greeted by a large ‘demonic’ mustang upon approach to the terminal. Those wandering airport halls are also likely to spot a number of paintings that appear to show apocalyptic scenes. Any connection to deeper, darker meanings behind this art collection has been debunked over the years.

The large horse sculpture, created by Luis Jiménez and dubbed ‘Blue Mustang,’ definitely has an interesting story behind it, though involvement in some sort of ‘master plan’ or message is unlikely.

To answer a few questions quickly — the horse is blue due to a local legend about a powerful blue horse that could fly, its eyes are neon red as a tribute to the artist’s father and his sign shop, and yes, while the artist did die during the creation of this sculpture, his death was due to an explainable construction accident that dropped a large section of the horse onto its creator.

While the giant horse might be unique, the depth of its messaging is limited.

Meanwhile, apocalyptic paintings found around the airport can be similarly explained.

While scenes of fire and death might be another odd choice for airport art, viewing the full collection of artist Leo Tanguma’s work at the airport can help these selections make more sense.

On par with Tanguma’s other work, his art at Denver International Airport is meant to teach a lesson — the first set of two paintings addressing living in harmony with nature and the second set of two paintings addressing appreciation of multiculturalism.

Of course, if one only looks at the painting of a soldier brandishing a weapon over small children while stabbing doves of peace, the art might send the wrong message.

However, viewed with its counterpart, which depicts a happy scene above a dead soldier, the full message of the art makes more sense.

While these paintings are graphic and may be perceived as odd selections by some, the message behind them is less nefarious than many are led to believe — actually quite positive.

The recent removal of at least one of these paintings led to questions being raised by the public, but the removal was later said to be temporary and the result of renovations.

The large gargoyles found in heavily trafficked areas are another oddity some visitors may notice. Though online rumors have stated that these may point to ties with the ‘New World Order,’ DIA officials have said that the sculptures are meant to be a symbol of protection — in line with the historic reasoning behind featuring gargoyles on old European buildings.

4. The coordinates of DIA have extraterrestrial ties

In the movie Close Encounters of a Third Kind (1977), aliens give humans the coordinates 40° 36’ 10” N, 104° 44’ 30” W. While these measurements are said to be the coordinates for the Devils Tower in Wyoming in the film, they’re actually the coordinates for a plot of land east of Fort Collins and north of DIA.

It’s pretty ridiculous that people draw ties between GPS coordinates featured in a fictional sci-fi plot line and real-world conspiracies, but this one is apparently mentioned enough to be debunked on the official DIA website.

5. Strange writings on the floor point toward genocide via a pandemic

More ‘support’ for conspiracy theories related to some sort of greater organization developing and controlling Denver International Airport is found on the floor of the Great Hall in an inscription that reads “Au Ag.”

Theorists claim that this stands for “Australia Antigen,” which is a reference to a deadly Hepatitis B antigen that has been said to be part of the Illuminati’s plan to commit mass genocide via a deadly pandemic.

According to the airport, this is actually a reference to silver and gold, based on their atomic symbols as seen on the periodic table of elements. This feature of the airport is meant to be a nod to Colorado’s mining past, which makes sense, as the phrase ‘Au Ag’ is seen inside of what appears to be a mine cart. However, the inscription’s close proximity to one of the ‘doomsday’ murals has some thinking otherwise.

In conclusion

While many theories exist regarding some of the oddities found around Denver International Airport, most can be explained in simple terms.
