Neighborhood Associations Council of Clark County officers appreciate Maureen McKenna stating the importance of NACCC and the neighborhood associations in fostering communication and discussions of local concerns between residents of unincorporated Clark County and the county government. We wish to reassure county residents that Clark County and the neighborhood program have worked assiduously to keep this communication open throughout the pandemic.
In-person meetings discontinued in March 2020. However, when the neighborhood program coordinator secured access to the county’s remote meeting software, NACCC meetings resumed online in June 2020 with Dr. Alan Melnick’s report on Clark County’s COVID-19 management. Monthly meetings have continued since then. Happily, more county departments and local organizations request NACCC presentation time than we have open agenda slots. Issues concerning the 179th Street interchange area are discussed at several NACCC meetings.
Several neighborhood associations have met online since 2020. A couple have also resumed limited in-person meetings. More in-person neighborhood and NACCC meetings will occur when facilities are available to enable hybrid (in-person and online) meetings.
Meanwhile, we encourage county residents to check for NACCC meeting agendas, and to email for the link to upcoming meetings on the second Monday of each month.