Our climate is being massively disrupted by human-caused carbon pollution of the atmosphere. We must reduce emissions starting now with all citizens being called upon to conserve energy. Incentives need to be offered for all solar installations, electric heat pumps, electric ranges and water heaters.
New regulations must be implemented to curb emissions and ensure year-over-year reductions.
This work is critical to avoiding mass extinction, climate-caused disasters, mass migration, starvation and war.
The newly released IPCC report (https://www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/) says that it’s “now or never” if the world is to stave off climate disaster.
Citizens must demand and help support climate plans that radically reduce emissions to zero.
We must put pressure on our government officials to read the IPCC report and pledge their commitment to real zero emissions.
Climate action now, for all we love.