Sometimes I read letters in The Columbian that seem far-fetched, offering little or no supporting evidence. Mr. Ault’s recent letter, “Keep sexual politics out of schools,” is a representation of this concept (Our Readers’ Views, Oct. 12).
He accused the radical progressives (whoever they are) of eliminating “actual academic education in public schools.” He continues his rant by accusing schools of driving a “political agenda that involves health, pharmaceuticals, physical castration and mastectomies, euphemistically called ‘gender-affirming care.’ ” Next, he provided some unhinged explanation as to why some children should be allowed to carry guns at school and that counselors could direct students to people who will sell them these guns.
I have the great honor to substitute as a principal in Vancouver following my work as a teacher and principal. I have never seen or heard of any of the silly and whacked accusations that are cited by Mr. Ault. The vast majority of my colleagues were very intelligent, loving and caring people who do wonderful and amazing work with all children.
Perhaps the real scandal to be investigated is why no schools in Clark County are teaching the Flat Earth Theory.