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Apartment building planned for Vancouver’s Central Park neighborhood

Project expected to be three stories, include 11 units

By Sarah Wolf, Columbian staff reporter
Published: April 4, 2023, 6:04am

Development plans are being considered for a mid-rise apartment building in Vancouver’s Central Park neighborhood, according to pre-planning documents submitted to the city of Vancouver.

The 0.36-acre site, which is made up of two properties at 1905 E. 11th St. and 1009 East Reserve St., is near Hudson’s Bay High School and is just up the road from the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site.

The project is expected to be a midrise, three-story apartment building, including 11 units, according to the pre-planning documents.

Both properties were purchased in 2019 by Reserve Street Lofts LLC. They’re both currently zoned by the city for higher residential use, though neither currently has any buildings on it.

The apartment building is expected to be around 12,775 square feet in size and about 32 feet tall, according to the pre-planning documents.

Plans call for the project to be fenced with a pedestrian access gate to East Reserve Street and a vehicle access gate on East 11th Street. To prevent lines from forming out onto the city road, residents will be given remote openers, according to the pre-planning document.

There are single-family homes to the north, east and south of the project site, as well as other multifamily residences to the south.

The project plans to strip away the current turf grass and shrubs on the site. The developers will try to save as many of the existing coniferous trees on site as possible, but the pre-planning narrative states that some will likely need to be removed because of damage to their root systems. The document states that the project will be required to plant 11 trees, as well as a 10-foot buffer on the properties north end and a 5-foot buffer on the south and east ends.

The project’s developer, Tim Aldinger of Portland-based Tim Aldinger & Associates Inc., did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
