Bob Mattila (“Follow Bible to stop shootings,” Our Readers’ Views, April 5) cites the right Bible verses for making the world a more peaceful, loving place. But he fails to connect the dots.
Currently, 88 percent of our U.S. Congress identifies as Christian, according to Pew Research. These are the people who are failing to keep assault weapons out of the hands of troubled people. They say “Love the sinner but hate the sin” yet are fanning the flames of fear and hatred of “sinners” and outsiders. And hoards of professed Bible-believing Christians support and applaud them.
Putting the Bible into schools (as I suspect he means it, tangled up with Christian fundamentalism — which virtually ignores the very verses he cites) will gain us nothing but confused children who do see the disconnect between Jesus’ teachings and what their Christian elders are doing.
With apologies to Christians who do thoughtfully follow the path of Jesus.