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Clark County Fair Results, Aug. 12

The Columbian
Published: August 28, 2023, 3:43pm

The Columbian will publish Clark County Fair results online as they are received. For more results and coverage of the Clark County Fair, visit

AG/ED Award

Agriculture & Education Winner Bee Barn
Educational Display Winner Quilting & Needle Crafts

OC Dairy Holsteins

125 Jr Champion Rick Kaut, Winlock
Res. Jr Champion Tyler Adams , Battle Ground
Senior Grand Champion/Res. Lori Johnson, Battle Ground

Toddler Trot

Age 1-2 First – Big Al’s $30, Journeys $25, Auntie Anne’s $25, Fred Meyer $50 Val, Vancouver
Second – Fred Meyer 2x $20, Big Al’s $20, AMC $25 Dash, Washougal
Third – Fred Meyer @x $10, Big Al’s $10 Dart, Battle Ground
Age 3-4 First – Big Al’s $30, Journeys $25, Auntie Anne’s $25, Fred Meyer $50 Jesse, Vancouver
Second – Fred Meyer 2x $20, Big Al’s $20, AMC $25 Jack-Jack, Kalama
Third – Fred Meyer @x $10, Big Al’s $10 Keo, Vancouver

Cheeseburger Relay

Team 1 First – Fred Meyer 4x $20, AMC 4x $25, Starbucks 4x $25 Russell, Portland
Noah, Vancouver
Jessie, Hillsboro
Jake, Vancouver
Team 2 Second – Fred Meyer 4x $20, Bath and Body Works 4x $25 V, Portland
Skyler, Vancouver
Mel, Happy Valley
Connor, Vancouver
Team 3 Third – Fred Meyer 4x $10 Bubba, Battle Ground
Patrick, Vancouver
Nick, Vancouver
Logan, Vancouver

4H Record Books

Computer Rendered Champion Evie Schubach, Vancouver
Res. Champion Tenley Goode, Vancouver
White Jori Parrish, Battle Ground
Claire Curnow, Vancouver
Zoey Wyant, Vancouver
Handwritten Champion Lily Grabenkort, Camas
Res. Champion Evelyn Grabenkort, Camas
White Kate Moschetti, Yacolt
Secretary Book Champion/Blue Claire Curnow, Vancouver

Beekeeping and Honey

Judges Choice Jason DeSerauno, Camas
Superintendent’s Choice Rylee Palkey, Vancouver
Sweepstakes Brenda Calvert, Brush Prairie

4H Dogs

Stadard Agility Class ,
Beg. 12 Champ./ Res. Champ Alyssa hays, Battle Ground
Beg. 8 Champ. Iris Hickel, Vancouver
Beg. 4 Champ. Sadie Tornow, Battle Ground
Elementary 16 Champ. Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Ele. 12 Champ. Amelia Benson, La Center
Ele. 8 Champ. Katie Jensen, Ridgefield
Pre-Novice 8 Champ. Paige Kellis, Battle Ground
Pre-Novice 4 Champ. Bella Swingley, La Center
Novice 20 Champ. Madison Davidson, Camas
Novice 16 Champ. Mckenna Hobson, Vancouver
Novice 8 Champ. Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
Open 16 Champion Mckenna Hobson, Vancouver
Open 16 Res. Champ Trenton Stevens, Ridgefield
Open 8 Champ Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Excellent 8 Champ. Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland
Agility Jumpers Course ,
Beginner 12 Champ./Res. Champ Alyssa Hays, Battle Ground
Beg. 8 Champ. Iris Hickel, Vancouver
Res. Champ Esther Massie, Battle Ground
Beg. 4 Champ. Sadie Tornow, Battle Ground
Elementary 16 Champ. Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Res. Champ. Bella Swingley, La Center
Ele. 12 Champ. Jolin Fong, Ridgefield
Res. Champ Amelia Benson, La center
Ele. 8 Champ. Ruth Goins, Vancouver
Res. Champ. Katie Jensen, Ridgefield
Pre-Novice 8 Champ. Paige Kellis, Battle Ground
Pre. N 4 Champ. Bella Swingley, La Center
Novice 20 Champ. Madison Davidson, Camas
N. 16 Champ. / Reserve Champ. Mckenna Hobson, Vancouver
N. 4 Champ. Paige Kellis, Battle Ground
Res. Champ Andrew Fish, Camas
Open 16 Champ. Trenton Stevens, Ridgefield
Champ. Tyler Stevens, Ridgefield
Open 8 Champ. Oliver Goins, Vancouver
Excellent 8 Champ. Gracie Shoemaker, Woodland

Draft Horse

6-Up First Place Duane Van Dyke, Carlton Ore.
Teams First Place Matt Shaver, Yamhill Ore.
4-Up First Place Duane Van Dyke, Carlton Ore.
Carts First Place Katie Scott, Yamhill Ore.

Drill Team

Free Style First Place West Coast Wildcards, Woodland
Short Program First Place Rein ‘n Rowdies, Spanaway
Overall West Coast Wildcards, Woodland