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Grants open to Clark County businesses to host paid summer interns

By Nika Bartoo-Smith, Columbian staff reporter
Published: February 1, 2023, 5:58am

Grants open to host paid summer interns

Grant applications for businesses looking to host paid interns this summer through the Future Leaders Project are now open through 5 p.m. Feb. 17. The Future Leaders Project is a joint initiative between Workforce Southwest Washington, Columbia River Economic Development Council and Washington State University Vancouver aimed at cultivating diverse community leaders, according to a press release.

The grant to subsidize intern pay is open to nonprofit organizations and businesses owned by women, veterans and members of the BIPOC and/or the LGBTQ+ community.

To learn about the Future Leaders Project, contact Nolan Yaws-Gonzalez, senior project manager with Workforce Southwest Washington, at nyaws-gonzalez@workforcesw.org or 360-567-1066.

To apply for a grant to host a summer intern, visit workforcesw.org/flp-business-application-2023.

— Nika Bartoo-Smith

Clark County seeking volunteers for animal control board

Clark County is seeking volunteers for the animal protection and control advisory board.

The positions are for county residents who represent a veterinarian or vet tech practicing in Clark County with the term expiring Oct. 31; own an animal other than a dog or cat with term expiring Oct. 31, 2025; and are a facility owner with term expiring Oct. 31, 2025. All terms begin immediately.

The board reports to the county council at least once a year on general operations of the animal protection and control program, recommends potential changes that will promote animal welfare, acts as an appeals hearing tribunal on minor appeals of violation notices and promotes the program, including licensing of all dogs and cats.

Send an application and resume to Animal Protection and Control, P.O. Box 9810, Vancouver, WA 98666-9810 or email donna.goddard@clark.wa.gov.

For more about the board or to download an application, go to www.clark.wa.gov/community-development/animal-control-advisory-board.

The application deadline is 5 p.m. Feb. 24.

— Shari Phiel

Clark County seeking applicants for drainage District No. 5 board

The Clark County Council is seeking nominations and applications to fill a vacant position for the three-member board that oversees Drainage Improvement District No. 5.

This position is for an unexpired term and ends Feb. 6, 2024. Anyone wanting to fill the remainder of the unexpired term through February 2028 must file for election in December 2023.

The district includes the western Hockinson area bounded generally by Northeast 132nd Avenue on the west, Northeast 99th Street on the south, Northeast 182nd Avenue on the east and Northeast 159th Street on the north.

Applicants must be property owners within the drainage improvement district and registered voters in Washington.

Drainage improvement district commissioners have authority to conduct business as needed to maintain and operate drainage systems, purchase property, enter into contracts, and exercise powers set forth in state law.

Submit a brief letter of interest and resume to Michelle Pfenning, County Manager’s Office, P.O. Box 5000, Vancouver, WA 98666-5000 or email to michelle.pfenning@clark.wa.gov.

The application deadline is 5 p.m. Feb. 24.

Columbian staff reporter