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Check It Out: Resolve to be more active and at peace

By Jan Johnston
Published: February 5, 2023, 6:05am

Not one to make New Year’s resolutions, I have to admit that I have resolved to be more physically active. And more mentally at peace with myself.

If I want these things to happen in 2023, I have 11 months to improve. Knowing that the higher your chronological age is, the faster time passes, I had better hurry. I mean, look at what happened to January — it’s history.

Happily, I found a couple of new titles in the library’s collection that should help me accomplish my goals (somehow “goals” sound better than “resolutions”). Confession: I do not have a great relationship with physical activity. And the aches and pains that come with aging do not make it easier. This is why I am excited to try the 28-day plan explained in Suzy Reading’s “Sit to Get Fit: Change the Way You Sit in 28 Days for Health, Energy and Longevity.” If I can improve my sitting routine in order to be more fit, I’m all in. I hope you are, too.

The other title that intrigues me is “Coffee Self-Talk: 5 Minutes a Day to Start Living Your Magical Life” by Kristen Helmstetter.

Mostly I am a positive person, but the last few years have been hard, and I know I am not alone. I am also not a “touchy-feely” person, so when I see the word “affirmation” in the subject headings, I tend to back away. However, I do desire peace of mind, so if this self-help guide encourages me to embrace a mental routine for positivity and energy, once again, I’m all in.

Stay warm, keep safe and happy energy and thoughts to all.
