The Republican moral outrage is worn out and has no legs left to stand on. Where was the outrage when George W. Bush lied to the American public into 20 years of illegal war, caused the death of almost a million innocents, wasted $8 trillion over 20 years while promoting the use of those inhuman drones? All because we just had to find those weapons of mass destruction, oh, and something about freedom and democracy.
Then Republicans mocked teachers for wanting to be paid a living a wage, all while school shootings became a normal function of American life.
Now I see you all want to stop funding schools altogether because of low test scores. Little wonder why that is: because teachers are trying to teach the real, uncut truth of American history.
None of you cares about anything except yourselves. I’ve seen the obscene flags you radicals wave, ranging from such colorful and family-friendly language as “FJB” to just plain black flags, the classic symbol of death. You make historical figures like John Brown seem reasonable. What is so wrong with you all that you can’t see how you’ve been played into creating a more psycho union?