Regarding the letter about a ballot initiative to cap hospital administrators’ annual salary at $450,000 (“Address income inequality,” Our Readers’ Views, July 1), the same as the U.S. president makes: If PeaceHealth management thinks this possibility is a pipe dream, they should think again.
Since PeaceHealth announced cuts to various services, community reaction has been swift and ongoing. Administrators claimed the cuts were due to lost revenue during the pandemic.
Charles Prosper, CEO of the NW Network, sits on the community health board as a “volunteer.” Under IRS rules, nonprofit organizations’ 990 tax filings are public record. From 2019 to 2020, his compensation increased from $578,588 to $1,111,054.
Is this situation akin to “the fox guarding the hen house”? Does the system’s governing board pay attention to community concerns? Are the local community health boards simply rubber stamps for administrative decisions?