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WDFW approves five days of coastal razor clam digs beginning Oct. 27

Not all beaches on all days open for this dig

By Columbian news services
Published: October 25, 2023, 3:49pm

OLYMPIA — Five days of clam digging on some Washington beaches can begin Friday, Oct. 27, according to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife shellfish managers on Wednesday.

“The upcoming low tides are shaping up to be a nice series of razor clam digging opportunities,” said Bryce Blumenthal, a WDFW coastal shellfish biologist. “Lower tides and lower surf should create successful harvest conditions, albeit a bit colder.”

Not all beaches are open for every dig, so diggers are encouraged to make sure their intended destination is open before heading out.

The optimal digging occurs between one and two hours before the listed time of low tide.

The following digs during late afternoon/evening low tides (noon to midnight only) will proceed as scheduled, after marine toxin results from the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) showed razor clams are safe to eat:

Oct. 27, Friday, 6:18 p.m.; -0.4 feet; Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks

Oct. 28, Saturday, 7:03 p.m.; -1.0 feet; Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis

Oct. 29, Sunday, 7:46 p.m.; -1.3 feet; Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Mocrocks

Oct. 30, Monday, 8:29 p.m.; -1.3 feet; Long Beach, Twin Harbors, Copalis

Oct. 31, Tuesday, 9:12 p.m.; -1.0 feet; Mocrocks

The DOH requires test samples for marine toxins, and domoic acid levels must fall under the guideline level before a beach can reopen for digging.

Domoic acid, a natural toxin produced by certain types of marine algae, can be harmful or fatal if consumed in sufficient quantities.

More information about domoic acid, as well as current levels at ocean beaches, can be found on WDFW’s domoic acid webpage.

Final approval of marine toxin testing usually occurs about a week or less — sometimes two to three days — prior to the start of each digging series. The next set of tentative dig dates are Nov. 12-18.

On all open beaches, the daily limit is 15 clams per person. Each digger’s clams must be kept in a separate container, and all diggers must keep the first 15 clams they dig, regardless of size or condition to prevent wastage.

All diggers age 15 or older must have an applicable fishing license to harvest razor clams on any beach.

Licenses can be purchased from WDFW’s licensing website, and from hundreds of license vendors around the state.
