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Check It Out: Valentine’s can be more than roses and chocolates

By Jan Johnston
Published: February 10, 2024, 6:08am

Love is complicated. It can feel wonderful or terrible; it can make your toes tap or crush your soul. And Valentine’s Day, like love, can be filled with romance and joy or be a painful reminder of love lost. Oh, l’amour, l’amour.

I think that Feb. 14 can be so much more than roses, chocolates and valentines. Not that there is anything wrong with these things, but loving something doesn’t have to involve romance or Cupid. For example, I love to laugh, and I love animals, homemade meals, warm and inviting spaces, and pretty fabric. So, don’t be surprised that today’s reading suggestions revolve around my interests. Yes, it’s all about me today.

Animal rescue stories, interior decoration ideas, comfort food recipes, Roz Chast cartoons — they may not all be your favorite things, but I hope at least one of these topics resonates with you and prompts a visit to the library (in person or online). And even though I said Feb. 14 is more than a valentine, I do feel compelled to include one relationship-related title. Love is for all ages which is why I am offering “Gray Love: Stories About Dating and New Relationships After 60.”

“There’s nothing like unrequited love to take all the flavor out of a peanut butter sandwich” — Charlie Brown (Charles M. Schulz)

  • “Daisy to the Rescue: True Stories of Daring Dogs, Paramedic Parrots, and Other Animal Heroes” by Jeff Campbell.
  • “Gray Love: Stories About Dating and New Relationships After 60” edited by Nan Bauer-Maglin and Daniel E. Hood.
  • “House + Love = Home: Creating Warm, Intentional Spaces for a Beautiful Life” by Jenny Marrs.
  • “Let’s Eat: 101 Recipes to Fill Your Heart & Home” by Dan Pelosi.
  • “Pretty Handmades: Felt & Fabric Sewing Projects to Warm Your Heart” by Lauren Wright.
  • “You Can Only Yell at Me for One Thing at a Time: Rules for Couples” written by Patricia Marx, illustrated by Roz Chast.