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Other Papers Say: Efforts on pot potency up in smoke

By The Seattle Times
Published: January 29, 2024, 6:01am

The following editorial originally appeared in The Seattle Times:

Once again, the Legislature stands on the precipice of inaction when it comes to a major health problem impacting Washington’s youth: high-potency cannabis.

The fifth attempt at regulating manufactured cannabis products is the most modest yet. Like previous legislation, it focuses on vape oils, shatter and dabs sold in retail shops that have THC concentration of nearly 100 percent. By comparison, today’s marijuana plants have THC content of about 15 percent.

“They don’t resemble the plant — they are as close to the cannabis plant as strawberries are to frosted strawberry Pop-Tarts,” according to a 2020 report by researchers at the University of Washington and Washington State University.

The report included a consensus statement that use of high-potency cannabis increases risk of addiction and increases the likelihood of developing psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia.

House Bill 2320 would restrict retail outlets from selling a cannabis product with a THC concentration greater than 35 percent to someone under 25, with medical exceptions.

“The cannabis that’s sold today is an entirely different drug than the cannabis plants that voters legalized in 2012,” testified Rep. Lauren Davis, D-Shoreline, who sponsored the bill and efforts in years past. “If we got a different drug, we have to have a different policy response.”

During testimony, Sen. Karen Keiser, D-Des Moines, chair of the Senate Labor & Commerce Committee, revealed she had not read the 2020 UW report. The fact that the chair of the committee overseeing cannabis regulation had not read a report on health impacts illustrates the difficulty in getting any commonsense high-potency regulation passed. It is simply not a priority for lawmakers.

“The folks that are against this bill are the same folks that are making money off this,” testified Ryan Orrison, an adolescent substance use professional, at the House committee hearing. “The folks that are for this bill are health care providers, doctors and people who care about the wellness of our children and young people. That’s a pretty poignant point.”

Orrison was admonished by committee Chair Sharon Wylie, D-Vancouver, for questioning the motives of the cannabis industry. It was a small moment that spoke volumes. State political contribution records show cannabis industry players donated at least $15,750 combined to the committee’s two co-chairs, Wylie and Rep. Shelley Kloba, D-Kirkland.

This debate comes down to money vs. public health, profits for the cannabis industry vs. increased risk of schizophrenia for young people.

The Legislature must stop dithering and catering to special interests. Washingtonians deserve commonsense regulations on high-potency cannabis.

The deadline for either bill to pass out of the respective committees is Wednesday.
