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The following is presented as part of The Columbian’s Opinion content, which offers a point of view in order to provoke thought and debate of civic issues. Opinions represent the viewpoint of the author. Unsigned editorials represent the consensus opinion of The Columbian’s editorial board, which operates independently of the news department.
News / Opinion / Letters to the Editor

Letter: Support Erickson for utility

By Orvid Zollinger, Vancouver
Published: July 24, 2024, 6:00am

I worked in the electric utility industry for over 35 years. During that time, I developed a strong respect for its complexity and dynamic nature. I’ve also seen the impact planning, both good and bad, can have on customers.

Utilities are facing historic change. The shift to heat pumps, electric vehicles, real-time metering and clean affordable energy are creating a multitude of challenges and opportunities.

It’s no longer business as usual. Sherry Erickson is the only candidate for Clark Public Utilities commissioner with the technical engineering, financial planning and hands-on industry experience needed to meet this challenge.

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