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Weather Eye: Hot time in Vancouver might have broken record

By Patrick Timm, Columbian freelance columnist
Published: May 11, 2024, 6:04am

‘My oh my what a wonderful day’ as the lyrics go as our spring weather took a giant leap into summer quickly Friday. After our first 80-degree day of the season on Thursday with a high of 83 degrees we were well on our way to the first 90-degree day on Friday. As I wrote this column late Friday afternoon it was already in the upper 80s.

The winds were still out of the north-northwest, but I expected later Friday winds to switch to easterly briefly. That would have been the ignition to reach 90 degrees. It is not uncommon at all to get a bout or two of hot weather in May, but I prefer a more gradual process.

A series of 90-degree high temperatures occurred last year at about this time. After a couple of days in the mid- to upper 70s Vancouver recorded four days straight of 90 degrees or better beginning on May 12. We peaked at 93 degrees. Thank goodness if we did reach 90 on Friday and today that would be only two days as cooler weather is on the way. Today’s forecast was for highs to peak in the upper 80s.

I’m sure we beat or at least broke the record high for Friday in Vancouver, which was 89 degrees in 1941. No record-breaking heat for today.

With the clear skies Friday night, it was a good opportunity to see the northern lights due to extreme solar activity on Friday. I guess we will see and hear the reports today on how Clark County fared in the big event.

Looking ahead into next week it still looks like the dry weather will continue most likely all next week. Mother’s Day will be practically perfect in every way weather-wise with sunny skies, light breezes and highs near 80 degrees. We nod our head on that one. More ocean air flows inland on Monday but partial clearing will keep some sunshine and highs in the low 70s. Same for Tuesday and right now forecast charts indicate high pressure will build again midweek and warm us back to near 80 degrees.

Summer in May continues folks. Happy Mother’s Day, be sure and visit with mom on a pleasant weather day.

Columbian freelance columnist