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Friday,  July 26 , 2024

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Harrop: Should we ban masks at protests?

July 1, 2024, 6:01am Columns

Things got violent outside a Los Angeles orthodox synagogue last week, leading the mayor at a press conference to say that a ban on wearing masks to such protests should be considered. A number of the pro-Palestinian protesters, who blocked entrance to the synagogue and ended up in fistfights and… Read story

Gongloff: Debt better than climate disaster

July 1, 2024, 6:01am Columns

There’s good debt, and there’s bad debt. Good debt is a $465 million government loan for your fledgling electric-car company that helps it become the world’s biggest automaker. Bad debt is maxing out your credit cards to buy cartoon apes in 2022. Read story

Feldman: Idaho abortion ruling shows high court ducking fight

July 1, 2024, 6:01am Columns

For the second time in two years, an abortion-related decision from the Supreme Court has appeared before its due date. Unlike the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade, leaked by a person or persons still unknown, the latest case, about Idaho’s abortion ban, got out by accident when someone at… Read story

Barabak: Biden bumbled; Trump lied; we lost

July 1, 2024, 6:01am Columns

There were many firsts attending Thursday night’s mud wrestle between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It was the earliest presidential debate in history. The first between two candidates of such a ripe age. The only one ever pitting the occupant of the Oval Office against the man he ousted from… Read story

Local View: Cooperative alliance for lake

June 29, 2024, 6:01am Columns

The Columbian’s June 25 editorial (“Coordination crucial for Vancouver Lake’s future”) hit the key issue: Coordination among the primary stakeholders — Clark County, the city of Vancouver, the Port of Vancouver and, importantly, the Cowlitz Tribe, which was here in the beginning and is a valuable community partner. Read story

Leubsdorf: Expect another closely divided Congress

June 29, 2024, 6:01am Columns

After two years of bitter congressional conflict, both parties are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in hopes of gaining working majorities in next year’s session. But it’s a long shot — for both. More probably, 2025 will again see divisions in both houses so slender that the party winning… Read story

McManus: Nobody won that debate

June 29, 2024, 6:01am Columns

When two flawed presidential candidates, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, met in their high-stakes debate Thursday night, each hoped to pass a test in voters’ eyes. Both failed — but Biden’s stumbles, fairly or not, are likely to cost him more than Trump’s. Read story

Harrop: Older voters may rescue democracy

June 29, 2024, 6:01am Columns

The mystery of why older voters are polling strongly for Joe Biden is not a mystery at all. True, they tend to be conservative and have traditionally preferred Republican presidential candidates. White voters over 65 voted for Donald Trump in both 2016 and 2020. The reason these conservative voters appear… Read story

Hatch: Bipartisan bill to protect kids online

June 28, 2024, 6:01am Columns

Fifty years ago, my father served as the Republican minority leader in the deep-blue Massachusetts House of Representatives. But during his time in office, he managed to create jobs, protect reproductive rights and author a landmark environmental bill that protects Massachusetts wetlands to this day. (Did I mention he was… Read story

Westneat: Governor’s race becomes shallow

June 28, 2024, 6:01am Columns

When Dave Reichert, a Republican candidate for governor, was campaigning in Southwest Washington last week, the charged subject of homelessness came up. Read story