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Friday,  July 26 , 2024

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Letters to the Editor

Letter: Electric vehicles pay their share

July 18, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

In response to Frank Gaffrey’s letter (“Gas tax not equitable,” Our Readers’ Views, July 10), he is exactly right but it is the electric vehicle owners that are getting the short end of the stick. Read story

Letter: Support Jay, Zimmerman for county

July 18, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

Our county council is at a turning point. Long-time council members Karen Dill Bowerman (District 3) and Gary Medvigy (District 4) are retiring, to be replaced in November. The Aug. 6 primary election is crucial. Read story

Letter: Take control away from Biden

July 17, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

A lot of us who have elderly parents have had the difficult “It’s time to take away the car keys” conversation with them. This is for the safety of the parent as well as society as a whole. Someone needs to have this conversation with President Joe Biden. Read story

Letter: Rethink nighttime lighting

July 17, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

Don’t focus only on ilani lights that affect bird migration (“ilani hotel’s bright lights a bad path for birds flying to Clark County bird sanctuaries,” The Columbian, July 2). Read story

Letter: Don’t vote for barbarism

July 17, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

Who attacks a Ukrainian children’s hospital, filled with kids awaiting cancer treatments and organ transplants, brave children fighting for their lives, children on drips waiting for their procedures, unwell children who because of the attack see the procedures stopped, frightened children then transported by trucks to other hospitals, with shocked… Read story

Letter: No need to vote

July 17, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

Ever since 2020, I’ve stopped voting. I still find politics fascinating and enjoy political dramas like “Game of Thrones” and books like “Dune.” I read political news from diverse sources and have explored views across the political spectrum. Over time, I became less partisan and less opinionated. Read story

Letter: EV users help pay for roads

July 17, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

In response to Frank Gaffrey’s letter (“Gas tax is not equitable,” Our Readers’ Views, July 10), owners of electric vehicles pay a very hefty surcharge attached to their license renewal fee to replace the tax on gas they do not use, regardless of how much they drive. Happy now? Read story

Letter: Presidential choice is clear

July 17, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

After his extremely poor showing at the first presidential debate, many people are understandably concerned about President Joe Biden’s ability to be president for another four years. I share some of that concern, but it is tempered somewhat by the knowledge of the caliber of advisers each man surrounded himself… Read story

Letter: Support Erickson for utility

July 16, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

I support Sherry Erickson for Public Utilities District Commissioner. Sherry is very well-qualified to represent the customers of Clark Public Utilities. Read story

Letter: Biden is not mentally fit

July 16, 2024, 6:00am Letters to the Editor

As liberty-loving Americans, we must demand our national media do their job and not cater to their liberal biases. After one debate, the curtain is lifted and the emperor truly has no clothes. Read story

We encourage readers to express their views about public issues. Letters to the editor are subject to editing for brevity and clarity. Limit letters to 200 words (100 words if endorsing or opposing a political candidate or ballot measure) and allow 30 days between submissions. Send Us a Letter