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Rainier High School student Skyla Ade plants some red cabbage in the school's raised garden beds in the rain in Rainier. Ade, 15, and several students are part of Discovery Club, an after-school group focused on gardening and healthy eating.

Oregon high school kids learn lessons in gardening

Rainier High School student Skyla Ade plants some red cabbage in the school's raised garden beds in the rain in Rainier. Ade, 15, and several students are part of Discovery Club, an after-school group focused on gardening and healthy eating.

December 11, 2015, 6:30am Northwest

RAINIER, Ore. -- Skyla Ade dug her hands deep into the earth, scraping a mound of wet dirt toward her to make a planting hole. She plopped a red cabbage into the dirt and patted it down. Read story

Rachel Emmons of Yakima, left, watches Nora Emmons ski the Snow Devil run, 6,500 feet above sea level, Feb. 13 at White Pass in Naches. Skiing is an expensive sport, but some industry insiders say that's not necessarily the biggest obstacle keeping skiers off the slopes. The other biggie: not having somebody to ski with you.

Savvy skiers and snowboarders never need to pay full price

Rachel Emmons of Yakima, left, watches Nora Emmons ski the Snow Devil run, 6,500 feet above sea level, Feb. 13 at White Pass in Naches. Skiing is an expensive sport, but some industry insiders say that's not necessarily the biggest obstacle keeping skiers off the slopes. The other biggie: not having somebody to ski with you.

November 30, 2015, 5:45am Latest News

If I bought lift tickets at the ski resort closest to home for my wife, two teenage kids and me, it would set us back $264. Read story

Jayde Diaz and other members of the Canoe family dance Nov. 16 during the Grand Ronde tribal flag posting ceremony at the high school gym in Willamina, Ore.

Tribal flag hung in high school gym

Jayde Diaz and other members of the Canoe family dance Nov. 16 during the Grand Ronde tribal flag posting ceremony at the high school gym in Willamina, Ore.

November 29, 2015, 12:00pm Northwest

Superintendent Carrie Zimbrick sat with a group of Willamina Elementary School first-graders as the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde staged a flag-posting ceremony in the high school gym. Read story

Eric Horn works Nov. 16 on a Carrot Top T-shirt on the screen printing press in the studio at his Bremerton home . (Photos by Meegan M.

Kitsap artist designs T-shirts for Carrot Top

Eric Horn works Nov. 16 on a Carrot Top T-shirt on the screen printing press in the studio at his Bremerton home . (Photos by Meegan M.

November 29, 2015, 6:00am Latest News

On a trip to Vegas eight years ago, Eric Orn went to see Carrot Top. Read story

Officials at Western State Hospital in Lakewood, the state's largest psychiatric hospital, say federal regulators have tentatively accepted a plan to address patient safety at the facility and end threats of losing federal funding. (Ted S.

Psychiatric hospital says it’s ready for re-inspection

Officials at Western State Hospital in Lakewood, the state's largest psychiatric hospital, say federal regulators have tentatively accepted a plan to address patient safety at the facility and end threats of losing federal funding. (Ted S.

November 23, 2015, 8:36pm Courts & Crime

Federal regulators had called for upgrades of patient safety Read story

Lummi fisherman Jay Julius steers his boat as his cousin Austin Brockie, center, and daughter Teja Julius sort through fresh-caught crab during a one-day crabbing season Sept. 15 near Cherry Point. For most Washington residents, fishing is a privilege granted by the state government, said Jay Julius, a Lummi member who sits on the tribe's council.

Lummi tribe members say fishing is in their DNA

Lummi fisherman Jay Julius steers his boat as his cousin Austin Brockie, center, and daughter Teja Julius sort through fresh-caught crab during a one-day crabbing season Sept. 15 near Cherry Point. For most Washington residents, fishing is a privilege granted by the state government, said Jay Julius, a Lummi member who sits on the tribe's council.

November 23, 2015, 1:17pm Northwest

Members of Lummi Nation say that for them, fishing is different. Read story

In this Nov. 15, 2015, people attend a Ukulele Fans of Oregon gathering at LifeSource in Salem, Ore. The group meets on the third Sunday of each month at the LifeSource Community Room.

Ukulele group mixes smiles, songs

In this Nov. 15, 2015, people attend a Ukulele Fans of Oregon gathering at LifeSource in Salem, Ore. The group meets on the third Sunday of each month at the LifeSource Community Room.

November 23, 2015, 8:00am Northwest

The sounds of an upbeat version of “Walk the Line” floated through the air at Candalaria Terrace as 24 ukulele players strummed in unison. Read story

Colton Harris-Moore arrives in Skagit County Superior Court in Mount Vernon, Wash., on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013, with his defense lawyer John Henry Browne.  Harris-Moore faces arraignment on a new second-degree burglary charge for the February 2010 break-in at the Anacortes airport where he stole a plane. Prosecutor Richard Weyrich also wanted to charge Harris-Moore with the theft of the plane, but he already pleaded guilty to that on a charge from San Juan County where the plane landed. Harris-Moore has acknowledged dozens of crimes from Washington to the Bahamas where he was arrested in July 2010.

Hollywood covers ‘Barefoot Bandit’ debt

Colton Harris-Moore arrives in Skagit County Superior Court in Mount Vernon, Wash., on Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013, with his defense lawyer John Henry Browne.  Harris-Moore faces arraignment on a new second-degree burglary charge for the February 2010 break-in at the Anacortes airport where he stole a plane. Prosecutor Richard Weyrich also wanted to charge Harris-Moore with the theft of the plane, but he already pleaded guilty to that on a charge from San Juan County where the plane landed. Harris-Moore has acknowledged dozens of crimes from Washington to the Bahamas where he was arrested in July 2010.

November 22, 2015, 8:42pm Northwest

SEATTLE -- A Hollywood studio has paid more than $1 million to settle the "Barefoot Bandit's" court-ordered restitution in exchange for the rights to his story. Read story

Volunteers carry rescue dogs across the tarmac to board planes at the Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles on Friday. More than 800 cats and dogs from California animal shelters took off for Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Illinois and Wisconsin in the largest Holiday Pet Airlift the Wings of Rescue has undertaken. It took 22 private planes and more than 200 volunteers to get the animals off the ground.

Pet Airlift: Homes for the holidays

Volunteers carry rescue dogs across the tarmac to board planes at the Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles on Friday. More than 800 cats and dogs from California animal shelters took off for Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Illinois and Wisconsin in the largest Holiday Pet Airlift the Wings of Rescue has undertaken. It took 22 private planes and more than 200 volunteers to get the animals off the ground.

November 21, 2015, 12:28am Latest News

Collin Prangley scored 18 points and Brody Oberg 11 as the Panthers won their fourth game in a row and created a three-way tie for first place in the 2A GSHL. Read story

Protesters on opposing sides of the Syrian refugee resettlement issue rally Friday in front of the state Capitol in Olympia. Gov. Jay Inslee has said the state will welcome refugees and has criticized other governors who have threatened to stop accepting them.

Rally at Capitol offers opposing views on Syrian refugees

Protesters on opposing sides of the Syrian refugee resettlement issue rally Friday in front of the state Capitol in Olympia. Gov. Jay Inslee has said the state will welcome refugees and has criticized other governors who have threatened to stop accepting them.

November 20, 2015, 10:31pm Latest News

OLYMPIA -- Hundreds of protesters and counter-protesters on opposite sides of the Syrian refugee resettlement issue gathered Friday in front of the state Capitol. Read story