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Health Care or Insurance

Gov. Jay Inslee visits the fourth Safe Stay Community off Main Street on Friday morning. Earlier, he visited with The Columbian’s Editorial Board.

Gov. Jay Inslee optimistic about his proposed 2024 supplemental budget

Gov. Jay Inslee visits the fourth Safe Stay Community off Main Street on Friday morning. Earlier, he visited with The Columbian’s Editorial Board.

December 16, 2023, 6:05am Clark County News

Gov. Jay Inslee is “cautiously optimistic” that state legislators will approve his proposed 2024 supplemental budget released Wednesday. Inslee met with The Columbian’s Editorial Board Friday to discuss the specifics of the budget. Read story

Diana James, 72, experienced a brain bleed in Portugal seven months ago that left her in a coma. James just returned to the states on Monday.

Vancouver woman returns home after medical crisis abroad

Diana James, 72, experienced a brain bleed in Portugal seven months ago that left her in a coma. James just returned to the states on Monday.

December 13, 2023, 4:44pm Clark County Health

Vancouver resident Diana James this week returned to the United States after being stuck in a Portugal hospital for the past seven months. Read story

Elizabeth Cochran, left, and Ace Salu of Columbia River Mental Health Services take a break with the clinic’s new community response team van on Friday afternoon.

New van allows Columbia River Mental Health Services team to aid those in need along Fourth Plain

Elizabeth Cochran, left, and Ace Salu of Columbia River Mental Health Services take a break with the clinic’s new community response team van on Friday afternoon.

December 9, 2023, 6:06am Clark County Health

A Vancouver agency is offering an alternative to police response for people experiencing mental health crises along the Fourth Plain corridor. Read story

Five people are dead after an apparent murder-suicide at a home in Orchards, according to the Clark County Sheriff's Office.

Take care of yourself, check on neighbors after tragedies

Five people are dead after an apparent murder-suicide at a home in Orchards, according to the Clark County Sheriff's Office.

December 4, 2023, 5:44pm Clark County Health

Tragedies within a community can elicit a wide range of emotions from residents. Read story


Washington lawmakers look at shielding people from surprise ambulance costs


December 1, 2023, 3:05pm Health

People in Washington often face high costs for ambulance rides, despite not having a choice about the service, an October state Office of the Insurance Commissioner report found. Read story

Pet Peace of Mind is a national nonprofit that also operates out of Vancouver. The programs assist hospice patients with pet upkeep and in some cases re-homing after a patient has died.

Hospice patients, pets focus of Pet Peace of Mind, which has Vancouver branch

Pet Peace of Mind is a national nonprofit that also operates out of Vancouver. The programs assist hospice patients with pet upkeep and in some cases re-homing after a patient has died.

November 30, 2023, 6:07am Clark County Health

Belinda Walker’s mother had her two Havanese and Pomeranian dogs on her lap 24/7. Read story

PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center offers lung-health event Wednesday

November 28, 2023, 5:57am Clark County Health

In recognition of Lung Cancer Awareness Month, PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center is hosting a Mega Lungs Event on Wednesday in the Firstenburg Tower Lobby, 420 N.E. Mother Joseph Place. Read story

Gov. Jay Inslee cuts the ribbon at a ceremony formally opening Olympic Heritage Health Hospital. Nov. 21, 2023.

Over 200 employees hired to staff Tukwila behavioral hospital bought by Washington

Gov. Jay Inslee cuts the ribbon at a ceremony formally opening Olympic Heritage Health Hospital. Nov. 21, 2023.

November 24, 2023, 7:25am Health

Washington has hired a little over 200 employees to staff a Tukwila psychiatric hospital the state bought in August for nearly $30 million, according to Jo Sahlin, a spokesperson for the newly-named Olympic Heritage Behavioral Health Hospital. Read story

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

Vancouver-based PeaceHealth reaches deal with state on charity care

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson.

November 20, 2023, 7:31pm Business

Vancouver-based health care and hospital services provider PeaceHealth announced Monday it has reached an agreement with the state attorney general’s office regarding the Charity Care Law. Read story

Blue Monday concept.

Keep the winter blues at bay: Bolstering those anti-gloom defenses in Pacific Northwest’s SAD season

Blue Monday concept.

November 18, 2023, 6:13am Clark County Health

Kim Schneiderman knows just what to do when seasonal gloom closes in on her. Read story