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Press Talk

Staff members of The Columbian work in the newsroom Friday afternoon, June 10, 2016.

Press Talk: Boy, did I need help to make it

Staff members of The Columbian work in the newsroom Friday afternoon, June 10, 2016.

February 18, 2017, 6:01am Clark County News

Humans are herd animals. We’re not smart enough, strong enough or wily enough to make it on our own. Unless you’re The Donald, of course. But I digress. Read story

Vancouver&#039;s homeless issue is a hot topic.

Press Talk: The homeless problem is complicated

Vancouver&#039;s homeless issue is a hot topic.

February 17, 2017, 6:10am Clark County News

Just how wackadoodle is this city idea of moving its homeless problem to Hazel Dell? Read story

Press Talk: The path to that new bridge

February 16, 2017, 6:08am Clark County News

Can we really get there from here? Read story

Three years ago a DDSS mug mixed with Trump mugs in Vegas.

Press Talk: My buddies, Trump and Benton

Three years ago a DDSS mug mixed with Trump mugs in Vegas.

February 11, 2017, 6:10am Uncategorized

Oh, the delicious irony. Read story

Reading is critical for our ability to improve and gain knowledge.

Press Talk: Reading is king. Long live the king!

Reading is critical for our ability to improve and gain knowledge.

February 4, 2017, 6:10am Clark County News

Sometimes you have to take a step back from the daily grind and do something you simply enjoy. Read story

The lost DDSS mug. Only a few people at The Columbian knew that when the mug was conceived with recognizable characters in 2013, it was to be of then-state Sen. Don Benton and Editor Lou Brancaccio. At the last minute, Brancaccio asked Columbian graphic artist Marsha Matta to scrap Benton and add then-County Commissioner David Madore.
I spoke with then New York Gov.
Columbian photographer Ariane Kunze working the storm aftermath.
I often visited my mentor, Joe Workman.

Press Talk: And the best of stupid stuff is …

December 31, 2016, 6:10am Clark County News

Wow! Where the heck did that year go? Read story