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Salmon & Steelhead

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Washington Columbia River mainstem, tributary fishing report for Sept. 11-17

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

September 20, 2023, 3:52pm Outdoors

The Washington Columbia River mainstem and tributary sport sampling summary for Sept. 11-17. Read story

Richard Borneman of Vancouver is all smiles after landing this fall chinook recently at Buoy 10.

All of lower Columbia River to open for fall salmon fishing

Richard Borneman of Vancouver is all smiles after landing this fall chinook recently at Buoy 10.

September 20, 2023, 3:01pm Latest News

Fall salmon fishing in the entire lower Columbia River will be open beginning Friday (Sept. 22) and remain open indefinitely, Washington and Oregon officials agreed Wednesday. Read story

Salmon swim around Tuesday as seen from a fish ladder viewing window at the Washington Shore Bonneville Dam Visitor Center. Fish viewing season lasts until mid-November, according to the Visitor Center's website.

Clark County salmon recovery groups get $1 million in grants

Salmon swim around Tuesday as seen from a fish ladder viewing window at the Washington Shore Bonneville Dam Visitor Center. Fish viewing season lasts until mid-November, according to the Visitor Center's website.

September 19, 2023, 6:09pm Clark County News

As salmon and steelhead populations dwindle amid habitat degradation and climatic changes, local watershed groups are etching a path to recovery. Read story

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Fishing report for week of Sept. 11-16

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

September 15, 2023, 2:35pm Outdoors

Fall salmon fishing remains open through Thursday between Warrior Rock and Bonneville Dam. State officials extended the season for a week and will meet again on Wednesday. Read story

A fall Chinook that fell for a spoon at the mouth of a Columbia River tributary. Anglers in the Vancouver area are getting fall salmon in the local hog lines.

More salmon fishing days added below Bonneville Dam

A fall Chinook that fell for a spoon at the mouth of a Columbia River tributary. Anglers in the Vancouver area are getting fall salmon in the local hog lines.

September 13, 2023, 5:17pm Latest News

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington added more recreational salmon fishing opportunity on the Columbia River below Bonneville Dam during a joint state hearing Wednesday. Earlier this week, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) updated the run size expectation for adult fall Chinook to the mouth of the Columbia River to… Read story

A fall Chinook that fell for a spoon at the mouth of a Columbia River tributary. Anglers in the Vancouver area are getting fall salmon in the local hog lines.

Coho salmon fishing season on Columbia River should be a good one

A fall Chinook that fell for a spoon at the mouth of a Columbia River tributary. Anglers in the Vancouver area are getting fall salmon in the local hog lines.

September 9, 2023, 5:55am Latest News

Reports of excellent coho fishing out in the ocean has guides and anglers looking forward to when they will begin to move upriver in droves. Read story

This fine fall Chinook fell to an angler fishing with Guide Bob Rees in 2022. The Buoy 10 season for fall Chinook reopens on Friday, Sept. 8, 2023..

Chinook salmon fishing reopens Friday at Buoy 10

This fine fall Chinook fell to an angler fishing with Guide Bob Rees in 2022. The Buoy 10 season for fall Chinook reopens on Friday, Sept. 8, 2023..

September 7, 2023, 2:43pm Latest News

Fishery managers from Oregon and Washington added additional Chinook fishing opportunity for the popular Buoy 10 fishery on the Columbia River during a joint-state hearing Thursday. Read story

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Washington Columbia River mainstem, tributary fishing report for Aug. 28-Sept. 3

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

September 6, 2023, 2:11pm Outdoors

The Washington Columbia River mainstem and tributary sport sampling summary for Aug. 28-Sept. 3. Read story

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Washington Columbia River mainstem, tributary fishing report for Aug. 21-27

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

August 30, 2023, 3:13pm Outdoors

The Washington Columbia River mainstem and tributary sport sampling summary for Aug. 21-27. Read story

Northern Pike, such as this one taken during a gill net operation, have been welcomed by some anglers for their game fish qualities. However, pike are voracious predators, and could decimate out-migrating salmon smolts if they make it to the anadromous zones of the Columbia River.

Northern Pike remains top invasive species in Columbia River system

Northern Pike, such as this one taken during a gill net operation, have been welcomed by some anglers for their game fish qualities. However, pike are voracious predators, and could decimate out-migrating salmon smolts if they make it to the anadromous zones of the Columbia River.

August 26, 2023, 5:55am Editor's Choice

Northern Pike, a non-native predator with a voracious appetite, has been found in several systems that feed the Columbia River, and while many anglers welcome them as a hard-fighting game fish, they are giving state biologists headaches. Read story