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Salmon & Steelhead

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Fishing Report: lower Columbia River, tributary summary for week of Oct. 14-20

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

October 26, 2024, 5:30am Outdoors

On the lower Columbia River between Rocky Point/Tongue Point line upstream to Bonneville Dam there were 137 salmonid boats and 21 Washington bank rods tallied on Oct. 19. Read story

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Fishing Report: lower Columbia River, tributary summary for week of Oct. 7-13

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

October 19, 2024, 5:25am Outdoors

On the lower Columbia River between Rocky Point/Tongue Point line upstream to Bonneville Dam there were 291 salmonid boats and 41 Washington bank rods tallied on Oct. 12. Read story

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Fishing Report: lower Columbia River, tributary summary for week of Sept. 29-Oct. 6

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

October 12, 2024, 5:25am Outdoors

On the lower Columbia River between Rocky Point/Tongue Point line upstream to Bonneville Dam there were 119 salmonid boats and 25 Washington bank rods were tallied between the I-205 bridge and Willow Grove on Oct. 3. Read story

Anglers try their hand for coho and Chinook at the mouth of the White Salmon River. While the tributaries are heating up, anglers continue to take chinook and coho in the main stem Columbia River.

With large early runs of coho salmon, anglers hope for big late run, too

Anglers try their hand for coho and Chinook at the mouth of the White Salmon River. While the tributaries are heating up, anglers continue to take chinook and coho in the main stem Columbia River.

October 5, 2024, 6:13am Latest News

Coho returns to the Columbia River have been way above the projection, with the fish pushing into areas where they are rarely seen, and delighting anglers. Read story

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Fishing report: Columbia River mainstem, tributary report for week of Sept. 23-29

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

October 5, 2024, 5:24am Outdoors

On the lower Columbia River between Rocky Point/Tongue Point line upstream to Bonneville Dam there were 537 salmonid boats and 104 Washington bank rods were tallied on Sept. 28. Read story


Salmon lawsuit ends in settlement but tensions over hatcheries simmer


October 1, 2024, 6:09am Clark County News

The Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife is closing two Southwest Washington hatchery programs and lowering releases at another as a part of a settlement agreement stemming from a lawsuit by two environmental groups. Read story

Buzz Ramsey holds a Drano Lake bright Chinook he took recently, while fishing with guide Cody Luft. There are still Chinook biting in Drano Lake, but the fishing will slow some over the next couple weeks.

Extra days: Guides say Columbia River tributaries are spot for upriver Coho

Buzz Ramsey holds a Drano Lake bright Chinook he took recently, while fishing with guide Cody Luft. There are still Chinook biting in Drano Lake, but the fishing will slow some over the next couple weeks.

September 21, 2024, 6:05am Outdoors

Anglers targeting salmon in the mainstem Columbia River received some good news, as the states decided to continue to allow sportfishing through the end of September. Read story

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

Fishing report: Lower Columbia River and tributary summary for week of Sept. 9-15

Salmon fishermen on the Columbia River.

September 21, 2024, 5:35am Outdoors

From lower Columbia River, Rocky Point/Tongue Point line upstream to Bonneville Dam there were 822 salmonid boats and 98 Washington bank rods tallied between Warrior Rock and Bonneville Dam on Sept. 14. Read story

A client of guide Bob Rees holds a fine, bright Chinook he took earlier this year at Buoy 10. These fish are now peaking in the Vancouver area, where anglers will get an additional 7 days of salmon fishing.

Columbia River salmon fishing will continue through at least Sept. 30

A client of guide Bob Rees holds a fine, bright Chinook he took earlier this year at Buoy 10. These fish are now peaking in the Vancouver area, where anglers will get an additional 7 days of salmon fishing.

September 18, 2024, 4:29pm Latest News

Salmon fishing season in the Columbia River will continue at least through Sept. 30, Washington and Oregon officials agreed Wednesday. Read story

Fishing guide Bob Rees holds a dandy coho taken in the estuary. Anglers can now keep one Chinook at Buoy 10 as part of a three-fish limit.

Extra days for fall salmon on lower Columbia River

Fishing guide Bob Rees holds a dandy coho taken in the estuary. Anglers can now keep one Chinook at Buoy 10 as part of a three-fish limit.

September 14, 2024, 6:15am Latest News

The states have agreed to allow an additional week of salmon fishing in the mainstem Columbia after salmon returns were better than expected. Read story