Would you be willing to pay more taxes to fund more police?

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How concerned are you about summer wildfires?

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Are you watching either of the scheduled presidential debates this year?

41% (35 Votes)
33% (28 Votes)
25% (21 Votes)
1% (1 Votes)

Total Voters: 85

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What are your feelings about local fireworks laws?

53% (42 Votes)
34% (27 Votes)
8% (6 Votes)
6% (5 Votes)

Total Voters: 80

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What are your summer travel plans?

31% (35 Votes)
26% (29 Votes)
21% (23 Votes)
20% (22 Votes)
3% (3 Votes)

Total Voters: 79

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Would you pay a $1.55-$3.55 toll to cross the Interstate 5 Bridge?

55% (114 Votes)
23% (47 Votes)
18% (38 Votes)
3% (7 Votes)

Total Voters: 206

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