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Photo of Dameon Pesanti

Stories by Dameon Pesanti

Columbian staff writer

The Georgia Pacific paper mill is visible from Northeast 6th Avenue in Camas. The company announced Nov. 14 plans to shut down several operations at the mill.

150,000 gallons of corrosive liquid spilled at Camas mill Tuesday

The Georgia Pacific paper mill is visible from Northeast 6th Avenue in Camas. The company announced Nov. 14 plans to shut down several operations at the mill.

April 26, 2018, 11:13am Clark County Business

Up to 150,000 gallons of corrosive pulping liquid spilled at the Georgia-Pacific Camas mill Tuesday night. Read story

Vehicles traveling east on state Highway 500 wait at the stoplight at Falk Road road during rush hour in late February. WSDOT is considering three alternatives to change the intersection to improve safety and travel times in the corridor. The agency is hosting an open house May 3 to get the public’s feedback on the concepts.

WSDOT unveils 3 options for Highway 500

Vehicles traveling east on state Highway 500 wait at the stoplight at Falk Road road during rush hour in late February. WSDOT is considering three alternatives to change the intersection to improve safety and travel times in the corridor. The agency is hosting an open house May 3 to get the public’s feedback on the concepts.

April 24, 2018, 8:04pm Clark County News

The Washington State Department of Transportation is proposing substantial changes at two intersections on Highway 500 and they’re looking for the public’s response to the proposals. Read story

Garbage littering road shoulders is an unsavory but all too common sight around Clark County, such as along Northeast Padden Parkway near Northeast 152nd Avenue.

Clark Asks: Why is there so much trash along Clark County’s roads?

Garbage littering road shoulders is an unsavory but all too common sight around Clark County, such as along Northeast Padden Parkway near Northeast 152nd Avenue.

April 19, 2018, 6:36pm Clark County News

It’s that bag that flew out of your truck bed, the cigarette butt you flicked out your window, the mattress you dumped in that empty lot because dump fees are too expensive, the fast-food wrapper you dumped out the window, because, whatever, someone will pick it up. Read story

Sunlight Supply in downtown Vancouver has been acquired by Scott's MiracleGro, becoming part of its hydroponic gardening subsidiary, Hawthorne Gardening Company. Sunlight's 300,000-square-foot headquarters, above, will be the cornerstone of Hawthorne's supply chain, according to a statement from Scott's.

Sunlight Supply to be bought by Scotts Miracle-Gro for $450M

Sunlight Supply in downtown Vancouver has been acquired by Scott's MiracleGro, becoming part of its hydroponic gardening subsidiary, Hawthorne Gardening Company. Sunlight's 300,000-square-foot headquarters, above, will be the cornerstone of Hawthorne's supply chain, according to a statement from Scott's.

April 17, 2018, 3:46pm Business

Vancouver-based Sunlight Supply Inc., is being purchased by multinational corporation Scotts Miracle-Gro for $450 million in cash and stocks. Read story

Passengers exit an Amtrak train at the Amtrak Train Station in Vancouver, Thursday afternoon, April 5, 2018.

Amtrak grades host railroads for delays to passenger service

Passengers exit an Amtrak train at the Amtrak Train Station in Vancouver, Thursday afternoon, April 5, 2018.

April 6, 2018, 10:49pm Clark County News

In terms of causing fewer train delays, Amtrak’s host railroads in the Pacific Northwest performed pretty well last year, especially compared with other companies around the United States and Canada. Read story

Ted Walsey, fishery technician for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, fires a cracker shell toward a sea lion Wednesday during a hazing run on the Columbia River below the Bonneville Dam. Workers use the shells to push sea lions downstream, away from migratory salmon. The commission supports a bill by U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler that would make it easier to kill nuisance sea lions. At top, a sea lion swims away from the Bonneville Dam on Wednesday.

‘We’re losing’ sea lion fightvideo icon

Ted Walsey, fishery technician for the Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission, fires a cracker shell toward a sea lion Wednesday during a hazing run on the Columbia River below the Bonneville Dam. Workers use the shells to push sea lions downstream, away from migratory salmon. The commission supports a bill by U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler that would make it easier to kill nuisance sea lions. At top, a sea lion swims away from the Bonneville Dam on Wednesday.

April 4, 2018, 8:42pm Clark County News

Ted Walsey’s shotgun cracked like thunder, lobbing a cracker shell into the Columbia River and sending the big brown sea lion beneath the surface in search of friendlier waters. But the boat and the noises emanating from it wasn’t far behind. Read story

The Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River is seen from the air near Pasco in 2013.

Study sees little cost in removing Snake River dams

The Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake River is seen from the air near Pasco in 2013.

April 4, 2018, 5:19pm Business

In the debate over the survival of endangered Columbia River salmon and the sustainability of dams in the Pacific Northwest, a new study suggests four hydroelectric dams on the Lower Snake River in Eastern Washington could be removed and effectively replaced with clean energy resources at little cost to taxpayers. Read story

Clark’s nearly $3 million renovation included changes to the customer service area, which created separation between the building’s work spaces and swapped the building’s bright color scheme for one that’s more subdued.

Clark Public Utilities spruces up service center

Clark’s nearly $3 million renovation included changes to the customer service area, which created separation between the building’s work spaces and swapped the building’s bright color scheme for one that’s more subdued.

April 2, 2018, 5:09pm Business

Customers paying their electric bill in person have probably noticed a different look and feel at the Clark Public Utilities Customer Service Center. Read story

Traffic flows around the roundabout on Northwest Sixth Street near Highway 14. Drivers initially resisted a roundabout at the main entrance to the city but have since adapted to it.

Amid concerns, two roundabouts planned for Highway 14

Traffic flows around the roundabout on Northwest Sixth Street near Highway 14. Drivers initially resisted a roundabout at the main entrance to the city but have since adapted to it.

April 2, 2018, 6:01am Clark County News

On any given day, Exterior Wood has dozens of tractor-trailers driving in and out of its yard at the Port of Camas-Washougal Industrial Park. So when the Washington State Department of Transportation proposed building two roundabouts on state Highway 14, company leaders got a little nervous. Read story

Participants pet a salamander at Salmon Creek Regional Park in Vancouver during the 2017 Critter Count.

Families invited to tally crawly critters in Clark County

Participants pet a salamander at Salmon Creek Regional Park in Vancouver during the 2017 Critter Count.

April 1, 2018, 6:03am Clark County Life

The Water Resources Education Center is hosting the 18th annual Critter Count, a spring survey of amphibians and reptiles in Clark County. Read story