Friday,  February 14 , 2025

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Photo of Kay Richardson

Stories by Kay Richardson

Columbian staff writer

Vic LeGall, owner of Goodwater Boat Works in Vancouver, repairs a kayak in his shop.

Working in Clark County: Vic LeGall, Goodwater Boat Works

Vic LeGall, owner of Goodwater Boat Works in Vancouver, repairs a kayak in his shop.

March 6, 2017, 6:01am Business

Vic LeGall is the quintessential Northwest outdoors enthusiast. He owned his own sailboat by age 12 and has enjoyed a lifelong love of boating. He navigates rivers, lakes and streams throughout the northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington — and has a healthy dose of respect for those waterways. At the… Read story

Amelia Everly Small of Battle Ground, born Nov. 21, is held by her great-great-grandmother, Vivian Leadbetter, 96, of Longview at their first meeting at Christmastime.

Five Generations: Leadbetter

Amelia Everly Small of Battle Ground, born Nov. 21, is held by her great-great-grandmother, Vivian Leadbetter, 96, of Longview at their first meeting at Christmastime.

February 22, 2017, 6:03am Uncategorized

Amelia Everly Small of Battle Ground, born Nov. 21, is held by her great great grandmother, Vivian Leadbetter, 96, of Longview at their first meeting at Christmastime. Also, from left, are Debra Petersen, 46, Battle Ground, Amelia’s grandmother; Caroline Barr, 74, Vancouver, her great grandmother; and her mother, Kori Cates,… Read story

The owner of Sincerely the Bride, Lisa Bagley, looks over a wedding dress at her Vancouver store, Friday February 17, 2017.

Working in Clark County: Lisa Bagley: owner, Sincerely the Bride

The owner of Sincerely the Bride, Lisa Bagley, looks over a wedding dress at her Vancouver store, Friday February 17, 2017.

February 20, 2017, 6:30am Business

Any given day at Sincerely the Bride, a sparkling boutique in downtown Vancouver, Lisa Bagley and her five bridal consultants field phone calls from future brides, schedule appointments for fittings, help select accessories, process stock, manage accounts and vendors, and simultaneously make preparations for an upcoming bridal show. Read story

Billy Snook, co-owner of Seven Seas Scuba, helps student Heidi Pratt, 12, out of the pool at Cascade Athletic Center.

Working in Clark County: Billy Joe Snook, scuba instructor

Billy Snook, co-owner of Seven Seas Scuba, helps student Heidi Pratt, 12, out of the pool at Cascade Athletic Center.

February 6, 2017, 6:02am Business

Billy Snook, owner of Seven Seas Scuba, tells a story about diving in Browning Pass, north of Vancouver Island, when a giant octopus slithered familiarly onto his lap. Snook’s diving apparatus, a closed-circuit rebreather, allows close encounters like this because it emits no disturbing bubbles and allows longer dives. Since… Read story

Lucille Zgonc

Milestone: Lucille Zgonc celebrates 100 years

Lucille Zgonc

January 31, 2017, 6:00am Community

Lucille Eva (Ellson) Zgonc was born on Feb. 1, 1917, in a farmhouse in Gary, Minn., during a snowstorm. The doctor who braved the storm brought the family a Christmas cactus as a gift, and the cactus lives to this day. Read story

Phyllis Shierman, from left, Lucy Krantz, and Pam Kirkaldie are among a group of friends who meet to play mahjong each Thursday at the Ridgefield Community Center.

Variety of groups meet around county to play tabletop games

Phyllis Shierman, from left, Lucy Krantz, and Pam Kirkaldie are among a group of friends who meet to play mahjong each Thursday at the Ridgefield Community Center.

January 22, 2017, 6:00am Clark County Life

In this age of online video gaming, fantasy leagues and mobile games, a growing interest in tabletop board games may come as a surprise. Read story

John LaBerge of Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie dressed as a Harry Potter character.

Working in Clark County: John LaBerge, Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie

John LaBerge of Love Potion Magikal Perfumerie dressed as a Harry Potter character.

January 16, 2017, 6:00am Business

John LaBerge is a true Renaissance man. A gym rat in his youth, he worked professionally in social services and played music on Venice Beach, Calif., later in life. Today he is the chief operating officer at Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie, an ethereal corner shop in downtown Vancouver, where he… Read story

Five generations of the Seekins family of Vancouver gathered Nov. 19 for a photo.

Five Generations: Seekins Family

Five generations of the Seekins family of Vancouver gathered Nov. 19 for a photo.

December 14, 2016, 6:02am Uncategorized

June Seekins, 92, was surrounded by four succeeding generations of her family on Nov. 19. Read story

Todd Marquiss is pictured with plants he helps care for in the newsroom at The Columbian.

Working in Clark County: Todd Marquiss, Indoors Only Plant Maintenance

Todd Marquiss is pictured with plants he helps care for in the newsroom at The Columbian.

December 5, 2016, 6:04am Business

Most office workers would agree that having plants in the office environment makes it a nicer place to be. Read story

Hundreds of volunteers help Tim Hensley accomplish his job packing, storing and distributing food at the Clark County Food Bank -- more than 50 tons of food a day.

Working in Clark County: Tim Hensley, warehouse coordinator at Clark County Food Bank

Hundreds of volunteers help Tim Hensley accomplish his job packing, storing and distributing food at the Clark County Food Bank -- more than 50 tons of food a day.

November 21, 2016, 6:01am Business

Every day, more than 50 tons of food moves through the Clark County Food Bank. With hundreds of volunteers and a small paid staff, Tim Hensley helps the organization fulfill its mission to alleviate hunger in Clark County. Hensley oversees the storage facility and the work that goes into getting… Read story