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Photo of Kay Richardson

Stories by Kay Richardson

Columbian staff writer

Hanz Kroesen, co-owner of Source Climbing Center, works on attaching holds.

Working in Clark County: Hanz Kroesen, co-owner, head coach and routesetter at Source Climbing Center

Hanz Kroesen, co-owner of Source Climbing Center, works on attaching holds.

August 8, 2016, 6:03am Business

As prospective climbers enter Source Climbing Center, the first thing that happens is their mouths drop open at the sight of a 40-foot climbing wall, says Hanz Kroesen, co-owner and lead route setter. Kroesen acknowledges fear is a natural instinct that keeps us safe. “I still have fear; it’s always… Read story

Seanette Corkill of Frontdoor Back visits Ice Cream Renaissance, which is one of her clients.

Working in Clark County: Seanette Corkill, store design/branding consultant

Seanette Corkill of Frontdoor Back visits Ice Cream Renaissance, which is one of her clients.

August 1, 2016, 6:02am Business

Seanette Corkill says her occupation is a blend of art and science, observing a retail business then teaching the owner how together they might alter the space to direct people’s shopping behavior in a positive way. “Scientifically, space is finite. I go in, observe and ask questions, apply what I… Read story

Dan Friesen, lead guide and president of Walking Adventures International, works from his office in Vancouver organizing trips all over the world.

Working in Clark County: Dan Friesen, Walking Adventures International president, lead guide

Dan Friesen, lead guide and president of Walking Adventures International, works from his office in Vancouver organizing trips all over the world.

July 25, 2016, 6:06am Business

It might surprise you to learn that Dan Friesen’s greatest wish for the near future is to take a family vacation — a normal, relaxing family vacation. It’s surprising because he organizes walking tour vacations all over the world for folks who are interested in connecting with history and other… Read story

Darlene Scherer-O'Mara, left, a dispatcher at Chappelle's Towing LLC in Vancouver, trains Chelsea Bonawitz on Wednesday.

Working in Clark County: Darlene Scherer-O’Mara, dispatcher/office manager

Darlene Scherer-O'Mara, left, a dispatcher at Chappelle's Towing LLC in Vancouver, trains Chelsea Bonawitz on Wednesday.

July 18, 2016, 6:00am Business

Darlene Scherer-O’Mara has worked as a dispatcher for Chappelle’s Towing for 10 years, which she says is about nine years and 364 days longer than many who try her job. “It’s definitely not for everyone,” she says. “I’m not sure what it is about me, but I thrive on the… Read story

Ryan Garringer, manager of Bat Cave Games, plays a round of "Magic: The Gathering" with Joe Boitano.

Working in Clark County: Ryan Garringer, manager, BatCave Games

Ryan Garringer, manager of Bat Cave Games, plays a round of "Magic: The Gathering" with Joe Boitano.

July 11, 2016, 6:00am Business

Whether you are a longtime gamer, a parent looking for a diversion for your child, or friends looking to start a board game tournament, Ryan Garringer, manager at BatCave Games, can help you find what you’re looking for. Read story

Marcela Navarro, human resource generalist at Cadet Heat, talks Wednesday with material handler, DeVonte Calvin, at Cadet Manufacturing in Vancouver.

Working in Clark County: Marcela Navarro, human resources generalist

Marcela Navarro, human resource generalist at Cadet Heat, talks Wednesday with material handler, DeVonte Calvin, at Cadet Manufacturing in Vancouver.

July 4, 2016, 6:00am Business

Cadet Manufacturing in Fruit Valley employs around 110 people. Human resources generalist Marcela Navarro estimates she interacts with at least half of them on a weekly basis. “Every person in HR will tell you that what they love the most about the profession is interacting with and working with people,”… Read story

Bob Steel is the side sealing process leader at Tetra Pak in Vancouver.

Working in Clark County: Bob Steel, side sealing manager at Tetra Pak

Bob Steel is the side sealing process leader at Tetra Pak in Vancouver.

June 27, 2016, 6:04am Business

Bob Steel is one of those rare workers you’ll meet who has worked for the same employer his entire career. But if you ask him about that, he’ll tell you that his entire experience at Tetra Pak has been a gratifying journey of growth, even taking him to Northern Europe… Read story

Vicki and Norman Paulk on Wednesday demonstrate the CPAP mask cover they designed at their home in Camas. Norman, who suffers from sleep apnea, invented a soft fabric guard to help make wearing the oxygen mask for an extend period of time more comfortable.

Working in Clark County: Vicki Paulk, owner of CPAP Comfort Cover

Vicki and Norman Paulk on Wednesday demonstrate the CPAP mask cover they designed at their home in Camas. Norman, who suffers from sleep apnea, invented a soft fabric guard to help make wearing the oxygen mask for an extend period of time more comfortable.

June 20, 2016, 6:02am Business

The use of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) masks is a huge advancement in improving lives of those affected by obstructive sleep apnea. But it isn’t an easy adjustment. Challenging factors include skin soreness and air leakage, which can cause patients to stop using their devices. Norman Paulk is a… Read story

Mike Davis, left, of St. Chris MediVan helps Harold Richardson as he drops him off for an appointment at Summit Chiropractic & Massage on Wednesday morning.

Working in Clark County: Michael Davis, non-emergency medical transportation driver

Mike Davis, left, of St. Chris MediVan helps Harold Richardson as he drops him off for an appointment at Summit Chiropractic & Massage on Wednesday morning.

June 13, 2016, 6:03am Business

“It’s been an honor to drive you, today, ma’am,” Michael Davis said recently to a client as he left her at her residence. The kind softness in his voice reflects the care and professionalism of the owner of St. Chris MediVan, a transportation provider for the elderly, disabled and special… Read story

Reference librarian Supisa Oliver at work at the Vancouver Community Library in downtown Vancouver.

Working in Clark County: Supisa Oliver, librarian

Reference librarian Supisa Oliver at work at the Vancouver Community Library in downtown Vancouver.

June 6, 2016, 6:08am Business

Supisa Oliver’s background is as multicultural and diverse as her many interests, none the least being a desire to visit Antarctica. She studied business management and then worked in finance in Bangkok before ultimately finding her vocation in library science. At the Fort Vancouver Regional Library system’s Vancouver Community Library,… Read story