Wednesday,  February 12 , 2025

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Photo of Nika Bartoo-Smith

Stories by Nika Bartoo-Smith

Columbian staff reporter

Certified nursing assistant Benjamin Nikolaychuk shares eye contact and a reassuring touch with a resident at The Hampton at Salmon Creek Memory Care Community, using techniques from a new approach to memory care called Humanitude.

Humanitude, a new approach to memory care, comes to Salmon Creek

Certified nursing assistant Benjamin Nikolaychuk shares eye contact and a reassuring touch with a resident at The Hampton at Salmon Creek Memory Care Community, using techniques from a new approach to memory care called Humanitude.

February 16, 2023, 6:01am Business

With a comforting hand, warm smiles and eye contact, Benjamin Nikolaychuk, Brooke Killinger and Whitney Konrady explained to a resident at The Hampton at Salmon Creek Memory Care Community that they were going to help her stand up and take a few steps. Read story

Partners4Housing offers free assessments for families with a loved one with a disability

February 14, 2023, 5:59am Clark County Health

Partners4Housing, an organization that works to find housing solutions for families with a loved one with a disability, has joined with local nonprofits to provide free residential assessments for families across Washington. Read story

Community Foundation for Southwest Washington president Matt Morton, left, and senior communications officer Maury Harris stand outside of the CFSW office in downtown Vancouver following a recent board meeting.

Community Foundation for Southwest Washington promises ‘to exercise our voice’

Community Foundation for Southwest Washington president Matt Morton, left, and senior communications officer Maury Harris stand outside of the CFSW office in downtown Vancouver following a recent board meeting.

February 12, 2023, 6:11am Latest News

The Community Foundation for Southwest Washington has made its feelings clear regarding two high-profile issues. Read story

Je'Kai Kazmende, left, stands next to his cousin, Jahad Hudson, as he leads a walking tour of Vancouver. He points out a spot where he had an encounter with police officers that he said felt unjust.

Vancouver teen walks, talks and dreams during waterfront tour

Je'Kai Kazmende, left, stands next to his cousin, Jahad Hudson, as he leads a walking tour of Vancouver. He points out a spot where he had an encounter with police officers that he said felt unjust.

February 11, 2023, 5:42pm Clark County News

“I too have a dream and it’s a dream deeply rooted in the African American dream,” Je’Kai Kazmende said, addressing a crowd at Fort Vancouver Saturday morning. “I too hope to live in a world where I am not judged by the color of my skin but by the content… Read story

Dr. Maria Rodriguez, professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the OHSU School of Medicine, is the director of the new Center for Reproductive Health Equity recently launched at OHSU.

New OHSU facility to focus on reproductive health equity

Dr. Maria Rodriguez, professor of obstetrics and gynecology in the OHSU School of Medicine, is the director of the new Center for Reproductive Health Equity recently launched at OHSU.

February 9, 2023, 6:43pm Clark County Health

Last month, Oregon Health & Science University launched a new Center for Reproductive Health Equity to focus on investigating key disparities affecting reproductive health and clinical care. Read story

Vector of Coronavirus 2019-nCoV and Virus background with disease cells. COVID-19 Corona virus outbreaking and Pandemic medical health risk concept.

Clark County COVID case rate decreases

Vector of Coronavirus 2019-nCoV and Virus background with disease cells. COVID-19 Corona virus outbreaking and Pandemic medical health risk concept.

February 9, 2023, 3:20pm Clark County Health

In Clark County, the COVID-19 activity rate, which measures new cases per 100,000 people over seven days, decreased this week from 50.3 as of Feb. 2 to 39.3 as of Thursday. Read story

Kate Sacamano of Friends of the Children Southwest Washington, from left, looks on as philanthropists Gary and Christine Rood talk with Allison Pauletto during a tour of the clubhouse. The Roods recently donated $33 million to the national organization, $5 million of which will go toward building a new clubhouse for the Southwest Washington chapter.

Vancouver philanthropists embrace ‘our giving passion’

Kate Sacamano of Friends of the Children Southwest Washington, from left, looks on as philanthropists Gary and Christine Rood talk with Allison Pauletto during a tour of the clubhouse. The Roods recently donated $33 million to the national organization, $5 million of which will go toward building a new clubhouse for the Southwest Washington chapter.

February 9, 2023, 6:00am Clark County News

Gary and Christine Rood walked into the Friends of the Children Southwest Washington clubhouse Tuesday morning, where they were greeted with smiles and new nicknames: Uncle Gary and Aunt Christine. Read story

Mimi, a kitty at the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society cat building, relaxes at the new facility. The shelter has three cat colonies, including one for cats with special needs.

West Columbia Gorge Humane Society replaces cat shelter

Mimi, a kitty at the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society cat building, relaxes at the new facility. The shelter has three cat colonies, including one for cats with special needs.

February 7, 2023, 6:02am Clark County Life

Last January, Micki Simeone, executive director of the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society, was playing with cats in the old cat shelter when she noticed paint bubbling on the walls. Read story

Vancouver Clinic Dr. Devon Ebbing, left, reviews patient details with Washington State University Vancouver medical student Fatima Elwalid, at the Vancouver Clinic Tech Center. Elwalid works with Ebbing most weeks, learning about pediatric medicine by working directly with patients.

WSU School of Medicine creating ‘homegrown doctors’

Vancouver Clinic Dr. Devon Ebbing, left, reviews patient details with Washington State University Vancouver medical student Fatima Elwalid, at the Vancouver Clinic Tech Center. Elwalid works with Ebbing most weeks, learning about pediatric medicine by working directly with patients.

February 6, 2023, 6:05am Clark County Health

Growing up with a mom who owned her own practice as a primary care physician, Athena Hoppe has fond memories of sitting at the dinner table listening to stories about patients. Read story

Harper’s Playground fundraiser extended for project at Marshall Park in Vancouver

February 4, 2023, 6:01am Clark County News

As Harper’s Playground continues to raise money for the redesign of Chelsea Anderson Memorial Play Station at Marshall Park, the deadline to purchase a recognition brick or paver has been extended to Feb. 21. Read story