Wednesday,  February 19 , 2025

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Photo of Sarah Wolf

Stories by Sarah Wolf

Columbian staff reporter

Bud tenders Angela Rodriquez, left, and Chris Curtis work on customer orders at Main Street Marijuana in Hazel Dell. This year marks the 10th anniversary of legalized marijuana retail sales in Clark County.

10 years ago Clark County feared reefer madness; today legal marijuana is a main street business

Bud tenders Angela Rodriquez, left, and Chris Curtis work on customer orders at Main Street Marijuana in Hazel Dell. This year marks the 10th anniversary of legalized marijuana retail sales in Clark County.

July 6, 2024, 6:14am Business

When marijuana was legalized for retail sale in Clark County, some critics feared an exploding drug scene. But 10 years later, officials say those initial fears haven’t played out. Read story

Commissioners voted unanimously to raise her salary this year.

Clark Public Utilities’ CEO gets a 5% pay bump, she makes $351,750 a year plus a car allowance and benefits

Commissioners voted unanimously to raise her salary this year.

July 4, 2024, 2:36pm Business

Clark Public Utilities’ general manager and CEO is getting a 5 percent pay bump this year. Read story

Cyanobacteria are microscopic bacteria, otherwise known as blue-green algae, that form harmful blooms during the summer. They flourish in warm, stagnant water filled with nutrients, such as Lacamas Lake as pictured in 2021. Blooms often occur in Vancouver, Lacamas and Round lakes.

Warning issued for Lacamas Lake due to cyanotoxin levels

Cyanobacteria are microscopic bacteria, otherwise known as blue-green algae, that form harmful blooms during the summer. They flourish in warm, stagnant water filled with nutrients, such as Lacamas Lake as pictured in 2021. Blooms often occur in Vancouver, Lacamas and Round lakes.

July 3, 2024, 2:52pm Clark County Health

Clark County Public Health warned Wednesday that skiing and swimming at Lacamas Lake could make residents sick due to elevated levels of cyanotoxins from algae. Read story

Northwest Pipe Co., long headquartered in Vancouver, is one of the largest steel pipe companies in the country. In recent years, it has also embraced pre-cast concrete products to expand its reach beyond steel.

Light at end of the tunnel: Vancouver’s Northwest Pipe Co. expresses optimism about 2024

Northwest Pipe Co., long headquartered in Vancouver, is one of the largest steel pipe companies in the country. In recent years, it has also embraced pre-cast concrete products to expand its reach beyond steel.

June 28, 2024, 6:06am Business

As interest rates slowed down the economy, Vancouver’s Northwest Pipe Co. took a hit. But its leadership says business is looking up. Read story

Various agencies in Clark County have warned that scams increase in the summer.

Law enforcement agencies warn of wave of phone scams targeting Clark County residents

Various agencies in Clark County have warned that scams increase in the summer.

June 26, 2024, 4:02pm Clark County News

Scams are ever present in Clark County, requiring residents to be skeptical of strange or too-good-to-be-true interactions. Read story

As Southeast First Street is under construction, patrons of English Estate Winery might be confused by roadwork and how they can access the winery, which is open for business. The winery does most of its business in the summer. At top, a sign guides visitors to the winery entrance.

English Estate Winery owner says she had about a week’s notice before First Street construction shut down traffic

As Southeast First Street is under construction, patrons of English Estate Winery might be confused by roadwork and how they can access the winery, which is open for business. The winery does most of its business in the summer. At top, a sign guides visitors to the winery entrance.

June 25, 2024, 6:07am Business

Summer is normally a busy time of year for English Estate Winery in east Vancouver. But this year, road construction directly in front of the winery means customers don’t realize they can still access the business. Read story

Analog Devices manufactures analog semiconductors. Its Camas facility has been in operation for 25 years.

$300,000 grant will expand reach of Camas operations of chipmaker Analog Devices

Analog Devices manufactures analog semiconductors. Its Camas facility has been in operation for 25 years.

June 25, 2024, 6:05am Business

The Washington Economic Development Strategic Fund awarded $300,000 to the Columbia River Economic Development Council to support the Camas operations of chipmaker Analog Devices. Read story

Nicole Sherman is joining Riverview Bank as the institution’s new president and CEO.

Vancouver-based Riverview Bank names permanent president and CEO

Nicole Sherman is joining Riverview Bank as the institution’s new president and CEO.

June 21, 2024, 11:58am Business

Vancouver-based Riverview Bancorp announced Friday that veteran banking executive Nicole Sherman will be the firm’s new president and CEO. Read story

Thai Lee, left, and wife Bao Vang of Mountain View Farm display bouquets of colorful flowers for customers at the East Vancouver Farmers Market on Thursday morning.

‘Almost romantic vibe’: East Vancouver Farmers Market open for the season

Thai Lee, left, and wife Bao Vang of Mountain View Farm display bouquets of colorful flowers for customers at the East Vancouver Farmers Market on Thursday morning.

June 20, 2024, 3:40pm Business

After 10 years, the East Vancouver Farmers Market has gained a following among the city’s east-side residents looking to grab a few market items and play at the nearby Columbia Tech Center Park. Read story

Programs like ChatGPT quickly process large amounts of data and are getting better at matching writing styles.

Cantwell’s bill would boost AI training for small businesses as Clark County companies incorporate technology

Programs like ChatGPT quickly process large amounts of data and are getting better at matching writing styles.

June 20, 2024, 6:02am Business

For better or worse, artificial intelligence has swept the country. Read story