o Each week, The Columbian offers a brief snapshot of an interesting Clark County business. Send ideas to Mary Ricks: mary.ricks@columbian.com; fax 360-735-4598; phone 360-735-4550.
Business name: A Better Way Storage.
Owners: John, David and Trish Lewis and Dick and Tonie Lewis.
Address: 16519 N.E. 10th Ave., Ridgefield.
What the business does: Rents safe, dry storage areas with enough heat in the floors to keep customers’ property from freezing or molding. The storage company also helps those in Clark County move by supplying a free truck and driver to customers.
How has the economy affected your business: The Lewis family purchased A Better Way Storage in a down economy so they don’t have anything to compare to. They are growing but not as fast as they had hoped.
Greatest challenge: Because most people are at a transition in their life when they need to store their belongings, Tonie Lewis said she tries to treat them kindly.