Several angling regulations change on Saturday with the arrival of June.
Among them:
o The East Fork of the Lewis from the mouth to 400 feet downstream of Horseshoe Falls and the Washougal from the mouth to Salmon Falls Bridge open to the use of bait for hatchery steelhead.
o The Klickitat River from the mouth to Fisher Hill Bridge is open daily. The salmon limit is six fish, but no more than two adults. Two hatchery steelhead may be retained. Wild chinook must be released.
The Klickitat from 400 feet upstream of Fishway No. 5 to boundary markers downstream of Klickitat Salmon Hatchery will open for hatchery chinook jacks and hatchery steelhead. Wild chinook must be released.
o The Elochoman from the mouth to the West Fork open for hatchery spring chinook and hatchery steelhead.
o The Grays from the mouth to the South Fork and the West Fork Grays from the mouth to the hatchery intake footbridge are open for hatchery chinook and hatchery steelhead.
o The Kalama from Summers Creek upstream to road No. 6429 is open for two hatchery steelhead, although fly-fishing only.
o The North Fork of the Lewis River from Johnson Creek upstream to the powerlines downstream of Merwin Dam will open for hatchery steelhead but stay closed for spring chinook.
o Lake Scanewa, the reservoir behind Cowlitz Falls Dam, opens to fishing for hatchery rainbow trout. About 20,000 rainbow will be planted from June through August.
o Rainey Creek from the mouth to U.S. Highway 12 will be open for five fin-clipped rainbow trout. All cutthroat must be released. The stream is scheduled to be planted with 2,000 rainbow this summer.