I am amazed at how gullible people are when it comes to the Russians hacking our elections. First, none of the voting machines in the country are connected to the internet, so there is no way anyone could have hacked the election. Secondly, the Democrats say that the Russians leaked emails from the Democratic National Committee, yet when the Justice Department asked to inspect the DNC files the Democrats denied access. Why?
Want to talk about voter intimidation, remember the Black Panthers scaring potential voters in Philadelphia when Barack Obama was running for president?
President Trump said he was going to “drain the swamp.” After the Comey testimony it’s apparent that Comey is part of the swamp. The power brokers, career politicians and career public servants are nervous that they may lose their power. This is why the establishment has set their sights on destroying our president. These same establishment people are not going to give up their power without a fight.
Since they don’t have facts to back up their charges against Trump they use the mainstream media to push the agenda of marginalizing or destroying the president. The sad part is that the media is all in to help keep the status quo. My thought is that some of these actions could be treasonous.