It would be nice if letter writers to this page were prevented from submitting misrepresentations as facts. Victoria Gojio writes that President Bill Clinton did not win the “majority vote” in his presidential runs, like President Trump (“Focus on Trump’s triumphs,” May 17, Our Readers’ Views). This is true: Bill Clinton won a plurality of votes — 43 percent in 1992 and 49.2 percent in 1996 — meaning that he received more votes than any other candidate.
That is part of our electoral system. Trump, on the other hand, won 46.2 percent of the popular vote versus Hillary Clinton’s 48.2 percent. In this case, Hillary had the plurality.
I would also challenge Gojio’s claim that special counsel Robert Mueller is trying to prove that Trump was unfairly elected. Mueller is investigating the facts, to find out once and for all what happened during the unprecedented — and clearly demonstrated — interference into our electoral process. Trump has done a good job convincing his fans that the justice system is corrupt, but he is not telling them the truth. Mueller is doing his job honorably.