It is an understatement that the streets and neighborhoods of Clark County are awash with the mess of homeless campers. As a taxpayer, I do not agree that my taxes should be used to pay their rent on public properties.
The state Department of Corrections wants to close Larch Corrections Center because there is less of a need to house criminals. This is, no doubt, because our laws have become ridiculously lax. Plus, we don’t have enough police officers (and funding) to arrest people in the first place.
Why not use the Larch Corrections facilities to house, feed and rehabilitate the homeless? The staff is already in place to help with this and the facility is humane (and cost an enormous amount of tax dollars to build). I have requested my state representatives to work with their colleagues of all political parties, and Departments of Corrections and social services to keep this facility open and use it to house and restore a sense of normalcy and humanity to drug users and homeless.
Why not establish the Larch Housing and Work Center during this drug and housing crisis? Let’s not lose this opportunity.