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How to gain confidence in your retirement strategy: 5 areas you must address

December 2, 2023, 5:08am Business

When you stop working for a living and have to rely on your savings to fund your retirement, it can be stressful. No longer do you have the safety of your next paycheck to tide you over. You’ll need to have your finances for the next couple decades (or more)… Read story

NerdWallet: As Airbnb falters, hostels seek to compete

November 29, 2023, 7:52am Business

Once a niche market for frugal, globetrotting young people, hostels are becoming a popular form of alternative lodging. No longer just rows of bunk beds, some hostels now offer private rooms and amenities like rooftop pools and spas. Read story

Millennial Money: 5 steps to creating financial boundaries during the holidays

November 28, 2023, 7:45am Business

Marketing ads, family functions and holiday gift-giving culture can make it feel impossible not to spend, or for some, overspend. According to a 2023 survey from NerdWallet, around half of Americans (52%) incurred credit card debt when shopping for gifts during the holidays last year, and almost a third (31%)… Read story

Bankrate: Why are store cards so much easier to get?

November 27, 2023, 5:22am Business

Some types of credit cards are easier to qualify for than the rest, either because they require collateral or because they come with limitations. Falling into the latter category are store credit cards, which can only be used within a single type of store or a family of stores. That… Read story

Hiltzik: Nonunion automakers are matching the UAW’s great contract, but that may be bad for the UAW

November 25, 2023, 6:00am Business

A funny thing happened in the wake of the United Auto Workers’ recent contract settlements with major auto companies . Read story

NerdWallet: How to spot 4 Social Security scams and protect your identity

November 22, 2023, 7:33am Business

When the Social Security Administration calls, you pick up. But between October 2022 and June 2023, more than 55,000 people who answered calls from what they thought was the government agency said they were scammed. Read story

Millennial Money: How to set good money examples for kids

November 21, 2023, 7:47am Business

Kids notice everything, whether you think they’re paying attention or not. They repeat the curse words you blurt out when you step on a toy, and spill your embarrassing family secrets to their friends. Read story

Palmer: Taking these financial steps could help post-divorce recovery

November 20, 2023, 7:45am Business

Jamie Lima remembers his divorce six years ago as one of the most emotionally draining and financially challenging experiences of his life. As a result, he resolved to use his professional background as a certified financial planner to help other people going through similar situations. Read story

2 ways to get a ‘do-over’ on Social Security

November 19, 2023, 5:42am Business

When it comes to Social Security, the standard advice you might hear suggests that you won’t get a second chance to decide when to start taking your benefits. But in at least two circumstances you can get a chance at a “do-over.” If you do decide to change your benefits,… Read story

Millennials and mortgages: navigating the path to homeownership in a changing market

November 18, 2023, 6:00am Business

Millennials are the largest generation in the U.S., and everyone has been expecting members of this massive demographic cohort to reshape the housing market. So far, however, it hasn’t quite happened. Read story