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Palmer: How to escape from a money rut

April 22, 2024, 8:46am Business

Sometimes, climbing out of a money rut starts with a pep talk — to yourself. Read story

Hiltzik: With his Truth Social stock, Trump may be laughing all the way to the bank — but his investors have reason to weep

April 21, 2024, 5:41am Business

With their life savings, childrens’ college funds and their own retirement prospects at stake, most people probably view investing in stocks as a serious business. Now and then, however, the markets produce comedy gold. Read story

Burns: Income tax isn’t the fast-rising monster. Medicare and employment taxes are growing faster

April 20, 2024, 6:02am Business

Politicians are like kids learning to drive. Read story

NerdWallet: 8 ways to personalize your rental — and get your deposit back

April 17, 2024, 7:41am Business

While renting apartments in San Francisco, Malone Detro often made small changes to the walls or fixtures to match her particular taste and budget. Read story

Millennial Money: How couples can share the mental load of money management

April 16, 2024, 7:45am Business

A lot of work goes into making a household run smoothly, and the thread that runs through all the labor is money. It’s money that makes it possible to fix a broken appliance, enroll the kids in summer camp and save up to replace the aging car. The mental load… Read story

Ashford: Retirement could come sooner than you think — how to plan for it

April 15, 2024, 8:37am Business

American workers expect to retire at a median age of 65, according to a 2023 survey from the Employee Benefit Research Institute, or EBRI. But the actual median age for retirement is 62, the survey found. Read story

Which debts can be consolidated? Here are 4 types to consider combining

April 13, 2024, 5:56am Business

Debt consolidation can make repayment easier by consolidating multiple accounts into a single one. Consolidating debt also can save you money on interest and help you get out of debt faster, depending on your situation. Here are four ways to do it: Read story

Got kids? Here’s what to know about filing your 2023 taxes

April 11, 2024, 8:08am Business

There are a few tax tips parents of children 17 and under should keep in mind before filing, tax pros say. Here’s what to know: Read story

NerdWallet: 5 questions to ask when helping an older parent with money

April 10, 2024, 8:25am Business

Conversations about money often require sensitivity and patience, especially when the person across the table is an older parent. Read story

FILE - Students cross the campus of Dartmouth College, March 5, 2024, in Hanover, N.H. While tax pros say it&rsquo;s great for college students to start filing their own forms, parents and students should double-check everything carefully before anyone pushes the &ldquo;submit&rdquo; button. (AP Photo/Robert F.

NerdWallet: Tax tips for college students and their parents

FILE - Students cross the campus of Dartmouth College, March 5, 2024, in Hanover, N.H. While tax pros say it&rsquo;s great for college students to start filing their own forms, parents and students should double-check everything carefully before anyone pushes the &ldquo;submit&rdquo; button. (AP Photo/Robert F.

April 10, 2024, 7:43am Business

There are lots of things college students and their parents should keep in mind before filing their taxes, and while tax pros say it’s great for college students to start filing their own forms, parents and students should double check everything carefully before anyone pushes the “submit” button. Read story