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Breast Cancer


Breast cancer patients share their stories


October 6, 2019, 5:21am Breast Cancer

For the loved ones of a breast cancer patient, it can be hard to know how to help. Read story

Ryuichi Ohyama, left, poses for a selfie with Tearra Flippo on the balcony at Flippo's Vancouver apartment during her cancerversary party in September to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the end of active breast cancer treatment. Flippo asked Ohyama to marry her last year. He said yes. She has plans to move to California and live with him.

Treating herself after cancer treatment

Ryuichi Ohyama, left, poses for a selfie with Tearra Flippo on the balcony at Flippo's Vancouver apartment during her cancerversary party in September to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the end of active breast cancer treatment. Flippo asked Ohyama to marry her last year. He said yes. She has plans to move to California and live with him.

October 6, 2019, 5:21am Breast Cancer

Peanut butter and jelly. Hugs and kisses. Sugar and spice. Read story

Waste Connections circulates a Pink Lemonade Project recycling truck through Clark County and supports the nonprofit through a pink cart program.

What’s with those pink waste bins?

Waste Connections circulates a Pink Lemonade Project recycling truck through Clark County and supports the nonprofit through a pink cart program.

October 6, 2019, 5:20am Breast Cancer

If you’ve seen pink recycling carts and wondered what garbage service has to do with fighting breast cancer, the gimmick worked. Read story

Don Stose

Helping partners of breast cancer patients cope

Don Stose

October 6, 2019, 5:20am Breast Cancer

Fighting breast cancer is the very definition of tough. Finding a community of other survivors can help. Read story

Breast cancer drug may aid prostate

August 26, 2019, 6:05am Breast Cancer

AstraZeneca’s Lynparza medicine helped men with a lethal but uncommon form of prostate cancer in a study, opening a potential new use for a drug cleared for breast and ovarian cancers. Read story

FILE - This undated fluorescence-colored microscope image made available by the National Institutes of Health in September 2016 shows a culture of human breast cancer cells. On Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended more women should consider gene testing for hereditary breast or ovarian cancer, especially those who’ve already survived cancer once.

Guidelines say more women may need breast cancer gene test

FILE - This undated fluorescence-colored microscope image made available by the National Institutes of Health in September 2016 shows a culture of human breast cancer cells. On Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommended more women should consider gene testing for hereditary breast or ovarian cancer, especially those who’ve already survived cancer once.

August 20, 2019, 9:47am Breast Cancer

More women may benefit from gene testing for hereditary breast or ovarian cancer, especially if they’ve already survived cancer once, an influential health group recommended Tuesday. Read story

A new study finds red meat may increase breast cancer risk, while substituting poultry may lower it.

Eating poultry may lower breast cancer risk

A new study finds red meat may increase breast cancer risk, while substituting poultry may lower it.

August 12, 2019, 6:02am Breast Cancer

Good news for women who can’t quite bring themselves to go vegetarian, but don’t mind giving up burgers and steaks: A new study finds red meat may increase breast cancer risk, while substituting poultry may lower it. Read story

Breast cancer patient, survivor? The Columbian wants to hear your stories

August 10, 2019, 5:11pm Breast Cancer

For the loved ones of a breast cancer patient, it can be hard to know how to help. Read story

The Columbian seeks stories from breast cancer patients, survivors

July 14, 2019, 6:00am Breast Cancer

For the loved ones of a breast cancer patient, it can be hard to know how to help. Read story

Breast cancer, heart woes tied?

July 8, 2019, 6:04am Breast Cancer

While advanced medical treatments can help patients with breast cancer survive the disease, some options could make them more prone to several other health issues, a new report says. Read story