March 18, 2019, 6:00am Breast Cancer
If Lina Anderson has done her job well, you won’t quite be able to notice. Read story
February 18, 2019, 6:02am Breast Cancer
The nation’s breast surgeons are advising that all patients diagnosed with breast cancer be offered genetic testing to check for inherited mutations, fueling an intense debate about how such tests should be used to prevent and treat disease. Read story
February 11, 2019, 6:01am Breast Cancer
Mary Frances Duggan never thought she’d have this many bras in her laundry room. Read story
February 10, 2019, 6:03am Breast Cancer
Jaime Miller, the Vancouver mother of two who died of complications from triple-negative breast cancer at age 42 last year, is still promoting change in Clark County. Miller’s widower Andy lives in Vancouver with their son Alex and daughter Jillian. Read story
January 14, 2019, 6:02am Breast Cancer
Pink Lemonade Project has a new look. Read story
October 14, 2018, 7:53pm Breast Cancer
More than 1,500 people gathered on a crisp October morning to race in the Girlfriends Run for a Cure, showing solidarity with breast cancer survivors and honoring loved ones lost to the disease. Read story
October 7, 2018, 5:59am Breast Cancer
When Jaime Miller finished her last day of radiation, she got to do whatever she wanted with her radiotherapy mask. Read story
October 7, 2018, 5:59am Breast Cancer
A few decades or even just a few years ago, chemotherapy as treatment for breast cancer was a foregone conclusion for patients with even a moderate chance of recurrence. Read story
October 7, 2018, 5:59am Breast Cancer
When Naomi Allen and Jessica Joachims found out they were pregnant, it wasn’t accompanied by complete elation. Read story
October 7, 2018, 5:59am Breast Cancer
The term “breast cancer” is a big umbrella, with the outcome for individual patients ranging widely due to a vast spectrum of factors. And for patients with triple-negative breast cancer, one of the disease’s most serious and life-threatening forms, those factors can drastically change their treatment plan. Read story