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Tagged Articles:
125th Anniversary

A family tradition: Campbells are proud of their stewardship of Columbian

October 4, 2015, 6:00am Clark County News

In an era marked by corporate ownership of newspapers, The Columbian has remained family owned and operated for nearly a century. Read story

The Columbian celebrates 125th anniversary

October 4, 2015, 6:00am Business

One hundred and twenty-five years ago this week, on Oct. 10, 1890, the Vancouver Columbian introduced itself to its readers for the first time. Read story

Mount St. Helens May 18, 1980, 5 to 6 p.m. Mount Rainier is at left. There was much speculation as to what looked like the secondary “eruption” to the left of Mount St. Helens.

A dozen defining moments

Mount St. Helens May 18, 1980, 5 to 6 p.m. Mount Rainier is at left. There was much speculation as to what looked like the secondary “eruption” to the left of Mount St. Helens.

October 4, 2015, 5:59am Clark County News

When big news happens right here in our own front yard, The Columbian's job is to scoop it up immediately and spread the word quickly. Here are a dozen huge local happenings, as witnessed and written by Columbian reporters: Read story

Breaking news reporter Emily Gillespie takes a call at her desk. Her priority is online news.

A day in the life of a 21st-century newsroom

Breaking news reporter Emily Gillespie takes a call at her desk. Her priority is online news.

October 4, 2015, 5:59am Clark County News

By 9 a.m., when a receptionist unlocks The Columbian's front door — and some smiles — for the day, breaking news reporter Emily Gillespie has been on the job for hours. Read story

A look at Vancouver in 1890

October 4, 2015, 5:58am Clark County News

In the Vancouver of 1890, shadows of the Wild West could be glimpsed in the midst of urban development. Read story

Newspapers put history in readers’ hands

October 4, 2015, 5:58am Clark County News

Former Washington Post President and Publisher Philip L. Graham once described journalism as "the first rough draft of history." For 125 years, The Columbian has been the primary scribe of the history of Clark County, as well as the local messenger for historical events happening around the world. Through the… Read story

Long lines formed in The Columbian newsroom during our 125 anniversary  celebration.

Press Talk: More magic coming after the 125th

Long lines formed in The Columbian newsroom during our 125 anniversary  celebration.

October 4, 2015, 5:58am Clark County News

When The Columbian turned 100 years old back in 1990 we made a big deal out of it, mainly because it was a big deal. Read story

Paula Adrian was introduced to Columbian readers on May 19, 1974, in one of the most provocative photographs we've ever published.

Flowers still surround Daisy Lady

Paula Adrian was introduced to Columbian readers on May 19, 1974, in one of the most provocative photographs we've ever published.

October 4, 2015, 5:58am Clark County News

The Daisy Lady is still surrounded by flowers. Read story

The black plate for a recent front page.

How the newspaper is printed

The black plate for a recent front page.

October 4, 2015, 5:58am Clark County News

Despite all the changes in the newspaper industry, the fundamentals of the printing process have remained the same since our Goss Metro press began operating on Jan. 15, 1968. It was the first offset newspaper press put into use in the western United States, and the technology was quickly adopted… Read story

With pressmen and a crowd, Don Campbell, Morrie Shore and Jack Campbell watch the first run on the new Goss Metro Press.

The Columbian through the years

With pressmen and a crowd, Don Campbell, Morrie Shore and Jack Campbell watch the first run on the new Goss Metro Press.

October 4, 2015, 5:58am Clark County News

1890 Oct. 10, 1890: Vancouver Columbian begins when local printer Tom Carolan publishes the first issue of the weekly. It is established as a Democratic paper to counter the local Republican paper. (A few years later, it switches to the Republican party.) 1900 Oct. 19, 1908: The Columbian is printed… Read story