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Breast Cancer

Family friend Zahira Cooper, 9, from left, Zsaneen Kennedy and her daughter LaQuay Kennedy pray before dinner. The family often gathers for dinner. Kennedy said she is concerned about her daughters getting breast cancer, which runs in the family.

Vancouver mother, daughter beat breast cancer — together

Family friend Zahira Cooper, 9, from left, Zsaneen Kennedy and her daughter LaQuay Kennedy pray before dinner. The family often gathers for dinner. Kennedy said she is concerned about her daughters getting breast cancer, which runs in the family.

October 6, 2019, 6:05am Breast Cancer

Children play downstairs. Football is on TV. Laughter fills the home. Spaghetti, ribs and fried chicken are almost ready for consumption. Read story

The Kearney Center is a decade old, and we were given a tour of the facility as it exists today.

Kearney Breast Center growing strong in its 10th year

The Kearney Center is a decade old, and we were given a tour of the facility as it exists today.

October 6, 2019, 5:53am Breast Cancer

Please, don’t call it a spa, but PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center’s Kearney Breast Center is designed to be warm and soft. Read story

Jessica Joachims holds her daughter, Sonora Storm Hayes, 9 months, and Naomi Allen holds her son, Gabriel Storm Allen, 10 months. Joachims and Allen both had children after starting breast cancer treatment, which is a rare occurrence.

For two moms with breast cancer, it was all about weathering the storm

Jessica Joachims holds her daughter, Sonora Storm Hayes, 9 months, and Naomi Allen holds her son, Gabriel Storm Allen, 10 months. Joachims and Allen both had children after starting breast cancer treatment, which is a rare occurrence.

October 6, 2019, 5:52am Breast Cancer

After more than 16 years in medicine, you’d think Dr. Toni Storm-Dickerson wouldn’t have any “firsts” left. Read story

Jana Cox, from left, Adrienne San Nicolas and Erin Maher pick out adult-themed coloring books to work on during the first meeting of a new group for young breast cancer survivors organized by Pink Lemonade Project. The group aims to serve women who don't identify with mainstream outreach efforts.

Support group for younger women about anything but pink ribbons

Jana Cox, from left, Adrienne San Nicolas and Erin Maher pick out adult-themed coloring books to work on during the first meeting of a new group for young breast cancer survivors organized by Pink Lemonade Project. The group aims to serve women who don't identify with mainstream outreach efforts.

October 6, 2019, 5:52am Breast Cancer

The group of women who met to drink beer and cackle over the dirty pictures in their adult coloring books certainly didn’t act like cancer patients — whatever that would even mean. Read story

Trudy Malsey couldn't find anyone in Clark County or Portland to perform a reconstruction for her.

Breast cancer diagnosis a special challenge for low-income patients

Trudy Malsey couldn't find anyone in Clark County or Portland to perform a reconstruction for her.

October 6, 2019, 5:48am Breast Cancer

Trudy Malsey was reaching the age when “everything starts falling apart,” as she joked. Read story

Nhung Pham of Portland, who is fighting breast cancer, selects a wig at the gift boutique at Kaiser Permanente Interstate Medical Office East. The boutique is open to all cancer patients.

For breast cancer patients, it’s about hair – and identity

Nhung Pham of Portland, who is fighting breast cancer, selects a wig at the gift boutique at Kaiser Permanente Interstate Medical Office East. The boutique is open to all cancer patients.

October 6, 2019, 5:22am Breast Cancer

For many patients undergoing chemotherapy, anything that helps them feel like themselves again can make all the difference. Read story


Breast cancer patients share their stories


October 6, 2019, 5:21am Breast Cancer

For the loved ones of a breast cancer patient, it can be hard to know how to help. Read story

Ryuichi Ohyama, left, poses for a selfie with Tearra Flippo on the balcony at Flippo's Vancouver apartment during her cancerversary party in September to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the end of active breast cancer treatment. Flippo asked Ohyama to marry her last year. He said yes. She has plans to move to California and live with him.

Treating herself after cancer treatment

Ryuichi Ohyama, left, poses for a selfie with Tearra Flippo on the balcony at Flippo's Vancouver apartment during her cancerversary party in September to celebrate the one-year anniversary of the end of active breast cancer treatment. Flippo asked Ohyama to marry her last year. He said yes. She has plans to move to California and live with him.

October 6, 2019, 5:21am Breast Cancer

Peanut butter and jelly. Hugs and kisses. Sugar and spice. Read story

Waste Connections circulates a Pink Lemonade Project recycling truck through Clark County and supports the nonprofit through a pink cart program.

What’s with those pink waste bins?

Waste Connections circulates a Pink Lemonade Project recycling truck through Clark County and supports the nonprofit through a pink cart program.

October 6, 2019, 5:20am Breast Cancer

If you’ve seen pink recycling carts and wondered what garbage service has to do with fighting breast cancer, the gimmick worked. Read story

Don Stose

Helping partners of breast cancer patients cope

Don Stose

October 6, 2019, 5:20am Breast Cancer

Fighting breast cancer is the very definition of tough. Finding a community of other survivors can help. Read story