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Interstate 5 Bridge

Northbound motorists bide their time during a bridge lift on the Interstate 5 Bridge.

I-5 Bridge program: If there must be lifts, limit them to 1-4 a.m.

Northbound motorists bide their time during a bridge lift on the Interstate 5 Bridge.

March 21, 2023, 6:45pm Business

Bridge lift or accident? The thought crosses the minds of many drivers as they sit in stopped traffic headed toward the Interstate 5 Bridge, debating whether to turn off their ignition. Read story

Vancouver Mayor Pro Tem Ty Stober called for the IBR to study a tunnel in response to the Coast Guard and federal government requesting the program study a drawbridge.

Stober: Study tunnel for Interstate Bridge Replacement Program

Vancouver Mayor Pro Tem Ty Stober called for the IBR to study a tunnel in response to the Coast Guard and federal government requesting the program study a drawbridge.

March 13, 2023, 5:32pm Clark County News

Vancouver Mayor Pro Tem Ty Stober called for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program to conduct a new study of a tunnel after the Coast Guard and the federal government requested that program officials study a drawbridge in addition to a fixed-span crossing. Read story

Upstream manufacturers have counted on the Interstate 5 Bridge's twin lift spans to be able to move large items, like this oil drilling equipment en route to Alaska in 2011.

I-5 Bridge Replacement Program will also study drawbridge option

Upstream manufacturers have counted on the Interstate 5 Bridge's twin lift spans to be able to move large items, like this oil drilling equipment en route to Alaska in 2011.

March 10, 2023, 1:22pm Business

The Interstate Bridge Replacement Program will study the possibility of building a new drawbridge over the Columbia River, program officials said Friday. Read story

Cars travel along the Oregon side of I-5 and the Interstate Bridge on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022, as seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers.

Up to $2.45 billion of I-5 Bridge project budget will go to actual replacement

Cars travel along the Oregon side of I-5 and the Interstate Bridge on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 2022, as seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers.

February 27, 2023, 5:49pm Clark County News

The Interstate Bridge Replacement Program released a cost breakdown for its $5 billion-$7.5 billion project and, with it, a clearer image of what the project will look like and how it could affect Vancouver. Read story

Townsfolk turn out for the opening of the Interstate Bridge on Feb. 14, 1917.

Radio show takes us back to 1917 opening of Interstate Bridge

Townsfolk turn out for the opening of the Interstate Bridge on Feb. 14, 1917.

February 19, 2023, 6:00am Clark County News

If radio had been around in 1917 to broadcast Vancouver Mayor Milton Evans bellowing his celebratory speech about the opening of the Interstate Bridge, listeners would have heard honking car horns, clashing cymbals and beating drums of the police marching band in the background. Read story

Construction of toll stations starts on the Interstate Bridge.

Interstate Bridge: Second span revives tolls

Construction of toll stations starts on the Interstate Bridge.

February 19, 2023, 5:55am Clark County News

A howitzer boomed and jets zoomed overhead as hundreds of spectators gathered to celebrate the opening of the second span of the Interstate 5 Bridge. Read story

The Interstate Bridge Replacement Program will reapply for a Federal Highway Administration grant, as well as two others, after it receives an expected $1 billion commitment from the Oregon Legislature later this year.

I-5 Bridge replacement program misses out on grant

The Interstate Bridge Replacement Program will reapply for a Federal Highway Administration grant, as well as two others, after it receives an expected $1 billion commitment from the Oregon Legislature later this year.

January 4, 2023, 6:02pm Clark County News

The Interstate Bridge Replacement Program will not be receiving money from the Federal Highway Administration’s Bridge Investment Program this time around, although it will be eligible to reapply later this year. Read story

Cars and trucks travel north on the Interstate 5 Bridge, seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers.

I-5 Bridge replacement program studies auxiliary lane options

Cars and trucks travel north on the Interstate 5 Bridge, seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers.

December 13, 2022, 6:04am Business

The Interstate Bridge Replacement program announced Friday that it is studying more than one auxiliary lane — lanes connecting onramps and offramps — for a replacement bridge, a change of course from their original plan. Read story

Cars and trucks travel north on the Interstate 5 Bridge, seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers.

New I-5 Bridge cost: Likely $6 Billion

Cars and trucks travel north on the Interstate 5 Bridge, seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers.

December 9, 2022, 1:30pm Business

The Interstate 5 Bridge replacement is expected to cost $5.5 billion to $7.5 billion, with $6 billion being the likeliest outcome, according to Greg Johnson, Interstate Bridge Replacement Program administrator. Read story

Above, Bob Ortblad, a retired civil engineer and proponent of an immersed tube tunnel, is one of the program's most vocal critics.

I-5 Bridge Replacement Program leaders, critics make their case

Above, Bob Ortblad, a retired civil engineer and proponent of an immersed tube tunnel, is one of the program's most vocal critics.

December 6, 2022, 7:24pm Clark County News

Interstate Bridge Replacement leaders, vocal critics and curious residents alike were packed into a conference room Monday night at the Hayden Island Holiday Inn to hear presentations and ask questions about the project. Read story