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Ridgefield & Fairgrounds

The RV Inn Style Resorts Amphitheater has a full lineup this summer.

Feel the music with acts at biggest Clark County venues this season

The RV Inn Style Resorts Amphitheater has a full lineup this summer.

May 4, 2024, 6:10am Clark County Life

In summer 2019, southern-rock trendsetters Lynyrd Skynyrd said their concert at Clark County’s RV Inn Style Resorts Amphitheater was part of a farewell tour. Probably. Unless, you know, things turn out differently. Read story

Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue performed a traditional push-in ceremony for its new ambulance on Wednesday at the Ridgefield Fire Station.

Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue pushes new ambulance into services

Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue performed a traditional push-in ceremony for its new ambulance on Wednesday at the Ridgefield Fire Station.

May 4, 2024, 5:36am Community

Clark-Cowlitz Fire Rescue performed a traditional push-in ceremony for its new ambulance Wednesday at the Ridgefield Fire Station. Read story

The Ridgefield Lions Club inducted five new members at its April 17 meeting.

Ridgefield Lions induct new members

The Ridgefield Lions Club inducted five new members at its April 17 meeting.

May 4, 2024, 5:33am Community

The Ridgefield Lions Club inducted five new members at its April 17 meeting. New members in the front row, left to right, include: Anne Simms, Bobbie Hemmelman, Bruce Hemmelman, Doug Koellermeier and Stephanie Koellermeier. Back row, from left to right: sponsor Angela Gardner, sponsor Brett Jones, Ridgefield Lions President Josh… Read story

Clark County Councilor Sue Marshall, right, fields questions about farming and climate change during a Thursday news conference at Second Mile Marketplace and Food Hub in Vancouver.

Clark County farmers say Farm Bill vital to climate-smart agriculture, urge Congress to pass funding

Clark County Councilor Sue Marshall, right, fields questions about farming and climate change during a Thursday news conference at Second Mile Marketplace and Food Hub in Vancouver.

May 3, 2024, 6:02am Clark County News

With the U.S. House Committee on Agriculture expected to begin discussions on the federal Farm Bill later this month, farmers and leaders from Clark County and farther afield gathered at the Second Mile Marketplace in Vancouver to talk about what could happen if funding for agricultural programs is cut. Read story

Within the span of a few years, Northeast 174th Street will go from about 50 lots using it, according to Dean Hergesheimer, to 200.

Adding housing to narrow, two-lane 174th Street concerns residents in Fairgrounds neighborhood

Within the span of a few years, Northeast 174th Street will go from about 50 lots using it, according to Dean Hergesheimer, to 200.

May 1, 2024, 11:20am Clark County News

Dean Hergesheimer believes Clark County’s public works department made a mistake. Read story

Clark County Quilters held their annual Quiltfest Northwest quilt show the first weekend in April at the Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds.

Clark County Quilters hold annual Quiltfest Northwest show

Clark County Quilters held their annual Quiltfest Northwest quilt show the first weekend in April at the Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds.

April 27, 2024, 5:36am Community

Clark County Quilters held their annual Quiltfest Northwest show the first weekend in April at the Clark County Event Center at the Fairgrounds. Each day, a military veteran was presented with a Quilt of Valor in a special ceremony. Those recognized were: Read story

Creative local students win historical essay and video contests

April 27, 2024, 5:35am Community

RIDGEFIELD – Three high school students from Vancouver and Ridgefield displayed their creativity in winning first place in the Fort Vancouver Sons of The American Revolution Chapter’s 2024 Eagle Scout Essay, Knight Essay and youth video contests. Each contest challenged the high school students to research and write about or… Read story

Clinical supervisor Kami McKinzey-Bartelmie, left, gives a presentation for families during an XChange Recovery Community Educatin and Support Night. “Change doesn’t happen overnight,” she said, but it can and does happen.

XChange Recovery’s message to families of those struggling with addiction: ‘There is hope’

Clinical supervisor Kami McKinzey-Bartelmie, left, gives a presentation for families during an XChange Recovery Community Educatin and Support Night. “Change doesn’t happen overnight,” she said, but it can and does happen.

April 25, 2024, 3:18pm Clark County Health

Becky Berhardt vividly remembers bawling on the phone years ago as she spoke with her son, who was struggling with homelessness and addiction. Read story

A body was found in a homeless encampment south of Ridgefield.

Body recovered from homeless encampment south of Ridgefield

A body was found in a homeless encampment south of Ridgefield.

April 24, 2024, 3:53pm Clark County News

The Clark County Sheriff’s Office is investigating after human remains were recovered Wednesday from a homeless encampment in a wooded area near Northeast 179th Street and 10th Avenue just south of Ridgefield. Read story

Land off Northeast 29th Avenue would be a site of a new school if Ridgefield bond measures pass.

Ridgefield school bonds failing, Camas EMS levy passing in Tuesday’s special election

Land off Northeast 29th Avenue would be a site of a new school if Ridgefield bond measures pass.

April 23, 2024, 8:34pm Clark County News

Tuesday’s special election in Clark County yielded mixed results. Both Ridgefield schools measures are failing, while Camas’ emergency medical services levy is passing. Read story