Tuesday,  February 11 , 2025

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Photo of Mia Ryder-Marks

Stories by Mia Ryder-Marks

Columbian staff reporter

Clark County looking for park hosts

February 11, 2025, 6:00am Clark County News

Clark County Public Works is accepting applications for volunteer park hosts at Captain William Clark Regional Park at Cottonwood Beach. Read story

Wooden blocks with nails bearing swastikas have been dropped around Yacolt, according to the town.

Yacolt warns residents about spiked wooden blocks bearing swastikas

Wooden blocks with nails bearing swastikas have been dropped around Yacolt, according to the town.

February 10, 2025, 2:17pm Clark County News

Spiked wooden blocks bearing Joe Kent’s name and swastikas were found in several locations along Yacolt roads last week. Read story

Vancouver Housing Authority owns both The Pacific, pictured here, and The Meridian apartment complexes. The buildings used to be riddled with crime and drug trafficking, but the nonprofit partnered with Vancouver Police Department to tackle the issue.

VHA makes progress on crime and drug trafficking at The Pacific and The Meridian apartments in central Vancouver

Vancouver Housing Authority owns both The Pacific, pictured here, and The Meridian apartment complexes. The buildings used to be riddled with crime and drug trafficking, but the nonprofit partnered with Vancouver Police Department to tackle the issue.

February 10, 2025, 6:10am Clark County News

The passageway between The Pacific and The Meridian apartment complexes was tranquil on a recent afternoon — a stark contrast to several months ago, when people openly used and dealt drugs there. Read story

Preview of the site plans  for the 132nd Cottage Homes that are planned at the corner of Northeast 132nd Avenue and 46th Street.

Three low-income housing projects in Vancouver get money from state

Preview of the site plans  for the 132nd Cottage Homes that are planned at the corner of Northeast 132nd Avenue and 46th Street.

February 6, 2025, 6:08am Community Funded Journalism

Three Vancouver low-income housing projects are receiving money from the state to defray development costs. Read story

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Baltimore Field Officer director Matt Elliston listens during a briefing on Monday in Silver Spring, Md. As federal immigration enforcement efforts ramp up, local agencies are trying to reassure Clark County residents they are safe to attend school, church and seek help at hospitals and from law enforcement.

Law enforcement, schools, churches, hospitals in Clark County emphasize that crackdowns are federal government’s purview – not theirs

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Baltimore Field Officer director Matt Elliston listens during a briefing on Monday in Silver Spring, Md. As federal immigration enforcement efforts ramp up, local agencies are trying to reassure Clark County residents they are safe to attend school, church and seek help at hospitals and from law enforcement.

February 1, 2025, 6:14am Churches & Religion

s federal crackdowns on unauthorized immigration ramp up under edicts from President Donald Trump, Clark County agencies — from police departments to schools to hospitals to places of worship — seek to assure local residents that they are not involved in immigration enforcement. Read story

Shannon Yirka, right, scratches the ear of her 19-year-old pug, Pixie Momma, center, who is held by Humane Society for Southwest Washington’s Ian Vossler on Thursday, during the Project Homeless Connect resource fair at New Life Friends Church in Vancouver. Yirka brought Pixie Momma and her two sons, Idgie and Pug Pug (not pictured), to the fair for shots and checkups.

Point-in-Time Count workers collect data, offer resources to Clark County’s homeless

Shannon Yirka, right, scratches the ear of her 19-year-old pug, Pixie Momma, center, who is held by Humane Society for Southwest Washington’s Ian Vossler on Thursday, during the Project Homeless Connect resource fair at New Life Friends Church in Vancouver. Yirka brought Pixie Momma and her two sons, Idgie and Pug Pug (not pictured), to the fair for shots and checkups.

January 31, 2025, 2:01pm Clark County News

A team of outreach workers moved through an east Vancouver homeless camp Thursday as dawn’s first light touched the horizon. Read story

XChange Recovery’s Community Education Night set for Wednesday

January 28, 2025, 6:00am Clark County News

XChange Recovery is hosting its semiannual Community Education Night on Wednesday at Living Hope XChange Church, 2711 N.E. Andresen Road, Vancouver. The event is meant to bring together families who have loved ones struggling with addiction and community members seeking to support families in need. Read story

Contributed by the Vancouver Police Department 
 Vancouver police and the Homeless Assistance Resource Team are partnering in encampment cleanups. The partnership will help police officers feel confident in responding to homelessness and help HART in connecting campers with resources.

Vancouver police spending more time on outreach in homeless camps

Contributed by the Vancouver Police Department 
 Vancouver police and the Homeless Assistance Resource Team are partnering in encampment cleanups. The partnership will help police officers feel confident in responding to homelessness and help HART in connecting campers with resources.

January 25, 2025, 6:12am Clark County News

Vancouver police officers are spending more time in homeless encampments under a new partnership between the department and the city’s Homeless Assistance and Resource Team. Read story

Vancouver to open online application for Affordable Housing Fund

January 23, 2025, 6:00am Clark County News

The city of Vancouver will open its online application process Monday for up to $9.5 million from the Affordable Housing Fund. Read story

Cars travel along the Interstate 5 Bridge in October 2022, as seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers. Tolling on the current I-5 Bridge, to help pay for its replacement, is expected to start in 2026.

2 of 3 northbound lanes on I-5 Bridge to close Thursday night for maintenance work

Cars travel along the Interstate 5 Bridge in October 2022, as seen from the top of one of the northbound bridge lift towers. Tolling on the current I-5 Bridge, to help pay for its replacement, is expected to start in 2026.

January 22, 2025, 4:58pm Clark County News

Two of the three northbound lanes on the Interstate 5 Bridge will close Thursday night as crews perform maintenance work. Read story