Sunday,  January 19 , 2025

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Photo of Sarah Wolf

Stories by Sarah Wolf

Columbian staff writer

Back-to-school shoppers took advantage of discounts this summer, spreading their purchases out over several weeks rather than doing one big shopping trip.

Clark County shoppers are being budget conscious for back to school, spreading out spending

Back-to-school shoppers took advantage of discounts this summer, spreading their purchases out over several weeks rather than doing one big shopping trip.

August 29, 2024, 6:06am Business

As students return to their classes, the first big fall shopping season — back-to-school — normally would be coming to a close. Retailers, however, noticed customers spread out their spending, with some continuing their shopping a couple of weeks into the school year. Read story

Restrooms closed at Vancouver Lake Regional Park due to coliform

August 26, 2024, 5:28pm Clark County Health

Clark County Public Works shut off all water at Vancouver Lake Regional Park last week after coliform was discovered during a routine water sample collected Aug. 20. Read story

Open house in Camas focuses on fire safety

August 26, 2024, 11:42am Clark County News

The Camas-Washougal Fire Department is hosting an Open House, Health and Safety Fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 28 at Station 42, 4321 N.W. Parker St., Camas. Read story


Vancouver police arrest 21-year-old in Sunday night drive-by shootings


August 26, 2024, 11:17am Clark County News

Vancouver police arrested a 21-year-old man in connection with a drive-by-shooting Sunday night at a hotel in Vancouver’s Marrion neighborhood. Read story

PeaceHealth’s Memorial campus was once a hospital. PeaceHealth plans to demolish the building at 3400 Main St., Vancouver, and build a 60,000-square-foot rehabilitation facility in its place.

PeaceHealth plans to build inpatient rehab hospital at Vancouver site of old Memorial Health Center

PeaceHealth’s Memorial campus was once a hospital. PeaceHealth plans to demolish the building at 3400 Main St., Vancouver, and build a 60,000-square-foot rehabilitation facility in its place.

August 17, 2024, 6:07am Business

PeaceHealth is looking to build a 50-bed, inpatient rehabilitation hospital on Main Street, according to pre-planning documents submitted to the city of Vancouver. Read story

Clark Public Utilities employee Jacob Bishop reads a meter in this 2019 photo. The utility is in the process of implementing a new advanced metering system.

Clark Public Utilities sets sights on advanced metering for Clark County customers

Clark Public Utilities employee Jacob Bishop reads a meter in this 2019 photo. The utility is in the process of implementing a new advanced metering system.

August 16, 2024, 6:07am Business

When candidates running for Clark Public Utilities commissioner began debating policy initiatives at a recent Columbian Editorial Board meeting, they lingered on an obscure topic: advanced metering. Read story

Clark Public Utilities encourages qualifying customers to apply for energy credit

August 15, 2024, 6:57pm Business

Clark Public Utilities is encouraging customers who qualify to apply for a $200 Washington Families Clean Energy Credit. Read story

The Subway on Eighth Street in downtown Vancouver is among those that have closed across Clark County. The store has been dark for days.

Six Subways close without explanation across Vancouver

The Subway on Eighth Street in downtown Vancouver is among those that have closed across Clark County. The store has been dark for days.

August 15, 2024, 6:08am Business

Several Vancouver Subway restaurants recently closed abruptly without explanation. Read story

Vancouver-based Absci reports declining sales in second quarter

August 14, 2024, 8:07pm Business

Vancouver-based biotechnology company Absci reported $1.27 million in revenues in its second quarter financial report. Read story

10 pharmacists, technicians at Salmon Creek Walgreens Pharmacy seek to join union

August 13, 2024, 5:53pm Business

A group of 10 pharmacists and technicians at the Salmon Creek Walgreens Pharmacy filed a petition last week with the National Labor Relations Board to vote on joining The Pharmacy Guild, an IAM Healthcare-affiliated union seeking to unionize pharmacy workers nationally. Read story